Unlike Men, This Is the Main Cause of Bald Women


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Hair is a crown for everyone, especially for women. Therefore, women do not hesitate to spend a certain amount of money just to do hair care in a famous salon. Although it has been treated in such a way, but it does not rule out the possibility of hair problems that usually occur in men, namely baldness. Actually, what triggers a bald woman?

What causes bald women?

Hair that falls out every day is actually normal. However, if the strands of hair fall out very much and even leave baldness in the area of ​​your head, it certainly cannot be underestimated.

Normally, strands of hair that fall out should be replaced with new hair growth. However, there is also baldness that is hard to grow back when many fall out.

Most cases of bald women are caused by androgenic alopecia. Androgenic alopecia is a condition of baldness in women that is inherited from generation to generation due to genetic factors. Baldness genes inherited in bald women can be obtained from one or both parents. As the name implies, the hormone that plays a role in this condition is the androgen hormone.

Although the number of androgen hormones in women is not as much as in a man's body, this hormone has various important functions in the body. One of them is in the process of hair growth.

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Medical conditions can also cause baldness in women

The cause of bald women is not just about genetics. The medical conditions that you suffer also contribute to other causes of baldness. Especially if these medical conditions affect the production of androgen hormones in the body.

The appearance of tumors in the pituitary and ovarian glands, which are where the androgen hormone is produced; and attacks of autoimmune diseases such as alopecia areata, which causes the immune system to attack hair follicles can also be another reason for bald women.

Besides that, the side effects of consuming certain drugs do not lose often cause severe hair loss which can lead to baldness.

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Baldness in women is different from men

Baldness that occurs in men and women is not exactly the same. In bald women, the initial sign that appears is the number of strands of hair that are not as thick as usual. You may also realize that the scalp can be easily seen because it is not covered by hair.

Uniquely, although it can be experienced at any time, baldness in women is more common when women have begun to enter middle age. On the other hand, it turns out that hormonal factors due to menopause can also contribute to baldness in women.

The new hair growth phase in bald women will usually be much slower. Not only that, hair follicles that experience baldness generally will turn smaller so that new hair growth is not as strong as normal hair. Finally, it will have an impact on hair that is easily broken and difficult to grow back.

Remember, baldness in women does not occur in all parts of the head as a whole. Rather, it only causes voidness in certain areas of the scalp.

Therefore, if your hair loss is abnormal, see your doctor immediately. Especially if you start to see some areas of bald scalp. Later the doctor will check whether you have baldness or just regular hair loss.

In some cases, doctors will usually prescribe various hair loss drugs and other medical measures to stimulate new hair growth. The faster your condition is dealt with, the smaller the adverse effects you may experience due to baldness.

Unlike Men, This Is the Main Cause of Bald Women
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