Various Natural Pneumonia Treatments You Can Do at Home


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Pneumonia is a lung infection that is often life threatening. Therefore, it is important to regularly see a doctor when you are diagnosed with this one disease. Using a combination of medical treatment and treatment of natural pneumonia can help alleviate the symptoms and healing process of this infectious disease.

What are the effective treatments for natural pneumonoa to relieve symptoms?

Pneumonia is an infection of bacteria, viruses, or fungi that attacks the lungs causing the air sacs in the lungs to swell and become inflamed. Usually this disease is at high risk in infants and young children, people over 65 years of age, and people with weakened immune systems.

This infection generally causes several symptoms such as phlegm cough, fever, chills, and difficulty breathing. Well, there are some natural ways you can do to relieve the symptoms of pneumonia, namely:

1. Relieve coughing

Having pneumonia can make you cough in the first 24 hours after being attacked and may even occur within a few days. Actually, under normal circumstances, coughing is the body's response to clean things that are involved in the respiratory tract by removing fluid from the lungs (phlegm).

However, coughing too often can interfere with your resting time and cause chest pain. The following is a natural pneumonia treatment to relieve coughs that you can practice at home, namely:

Gargle with salt water

Gargling with salt water can help get rid of mucus in your throat and relieve irritation. You can do this by:

  • Dissolve ¼ to ½ teaspoon salt into a glass of warm water.
  • Use salt water to rinse for at least 30 seconds.
  • Repeat three times a day.

Drink peppermint tea, eucalyptus, or fenugreek

A study published in Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine found that peppermint and eucalyptus had a calming effect on the throat for people with upper respiratory tract infections.

Peppermint tea can be an alternative choice to relieve irritation and remove disturbing mucus. This is because peppermint is included in decongestants (drugs for the upper respiratory system), anti-inflammatory, and painkillers. You can brew instant peppermint tea or you can make it yourself from fresh mint leaves.

How to make peppermint tea from leaves, namely:

  • Wash and cut fresh mint leaves and place them in a cup or teapot.
  • Add boiling water and let stand for five minutes.
  • Strain and serve with trambah lemon, honey or milk according to your taste.

Not only the two herbs, a study published in the Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences noted that tea made from fenugreek seeds can help melt mucus so that it is easily removed and can relieve coughing. Inhaling the aroma of the tea you make also helps to refresh and cleanse your respiratory tract which is full of mucus.

2. Overcoming short breaths

When a person has pneumonia, breathing usually becomes faster and shorter. You are also likely to experience tightness when you are not doing heavy work. Some natural pneumonia treatments that can be used to overcome short breaths are:

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Eating caffeine

In caffeine there is a compound called theophylline which is similar to bronchodilator drugs, namely drugs to facilitate breathing. So, consuming drinks or foods that contain caffeine such as coffee, black tea, and green tea can help open the airways in the lungs which can relieve the airways. The effect of this caffeine can last up to four hours.

Inhale warm and humid air

Inhaling warm and moist air can help your breath feel loose and overcome the feeling of tightness. You can do this by inhaling steam from a glass of hot water or inhaling steam from a cup of warm tea.

Using a handheld fan

A study in 2010 found that the use of handheld fans can help reduce shortness of breath. A cold sensation on the face given for five minutes can relieve symptoms of shortness of breath.

3. Relieves chest pain

Chest pain often attacks people with pneumonia. With treatment, chest pain usually subsides within four weeks. Here are some natural pneumonia drugs that can be used to relieve chest pain, namely by drinking:

Turmeric tea

Turmeric has proven to have anti-inflammatory properties that can help relieve pain. Therefore, eating turmeric tea can help relieve your chest pain. You can eat turmeric from available instant tea or make it yourself from turmeric powder.

Here's how to make tea from turmeric powder, namely:

  • Add 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder to boiling water.
  • Let the turmeric powder mix well by stirring slowly.
  • Strain and serve with added honey and lemon to taste.
  • Add a little black pepper into it to increase its absorption.

Ginger tea

Besides turmeric, ginger is also known to have anti-inflammatory properties and pain relievers. You can eat instant ginger tea or make it yourself from raw ginger by:

  • Cut the ginger into several parts and put it in a pan of hot water.
  • Simmer ginger for about 20 minutes.
  • Remove and strain so that the pieces of ginger are separated from the cooking water.
  • Serve by adding honey or lemon to taste.

4. Relieves fever

Although it looks light, the symptoms of pneumonia are quite dangerous if left alone and can cause various complications. For that there are several ways that can be used to relieve fever, namely:

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Take pain relievers sold on the market

Pain medications such as ibuprofen (Advil) can help reduce fever and ease pain. Don't forget to take medication after meals to avoid side effects such as nausea.

Usually adults are advised to consume one or two capsules every four to six hours. Try to read the usage rules listed on the package before consuming it.

Keep your body hydrated

When a person has a fever, it is important to maintain the hydration of the body so that the body remains filled with fluid and electrolytes. Eating lots of fluids can help the body stay well hydrated.

Compress the forehead with warm water

To reduce fever, you can compress your forehead to help cool your body temperature. Compress with warm water because the use of cold water can actually cause cold due to impromptu milk changes between the body and compresses. Compressing with warm water helps neutralize body temperature gradually.

You can start to compress by:

  • Wet a small towel or cloth with warm water.
  • Squeeze the towel until the water no longer flows and place it on the forehead.
  • Repeat this for several times.

This natural pneumonia treatment is used not to replace medical care. But you can combine it to help relieve your symptoms. Be sure to always consult a doctor if this treatment cannot relieve symptoms or even make it worse.

Various Natural Pneumonia Treatments You Can Do at Home
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