Why Can Some People Get Their Blood Hard?


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Certain diseases or health conditions sometimes require someone to take blood.Some people managed to live it smoothly without obstacles, but some were difficult to draw blood. Either because blood doesn't want to come out or doesn't flow into the syringe. Difficulty taking blood can causepain and discomfort, because the needle must be removed and put back repeatedly until blood can be taken. Why can some people find it hard to get blood? Is there a way to work around this?

What is the procedure for taking blood?

Blood collection process,called venipuncture, performed by a nurse or lab technician in a clinic or hospital.

Usually, officers take blood to inject a needle in a vein (vein) instead arteries (arteries). This is because the vein wall is thinner and is located closer to the surface of the skin, making it easier for the process of taking blood.

The clerk will touch the patient's arm to find itthe most prominent veins to be used as locations for taking blood. After that, the area of ​​the skin is cleaned with alcohol to kill the germs so that they don't get into the blood.

The patient's upper arm will then be tied with a tourniquet to clarify the presence of veins and maximize the amount of blood flow in the vessels.

You later you will be asked to clench your fist to help clarify the blood vessels, only after the needle will the needle be pushed slowly towards the location of blood collection. When the blood starts flowing, the tourniquet will be released slowly so that the blood flows more easily.

Why is there someone who can't get blood?

The process of taking blood for most people generally runs short and painless, but there is also the opposite. There are many things that can affect the smooth process of taking blood,including:

1. Small or hidden vessels

Some people have small or hidden veins that are hard to find when taking blood. When this happens, the nurse will usually tighten the tourniquet tie or put warm pads and return to touch the patient's vein until they meet.

Grogi faces taking blood that makes cold palms can also make veins more hidden. Warm body temperature actually increases circulation and blood pressure so that veins are easier to find. That is why some nurses put warm pads on the arm to increase the patient's blood pressure.

2. Undergo certain medical procedures

People who undergo chemotherapy usually have difficulty when blood is taken. This is because their blood vessels have been stabbed so much that the blood collection process tends to be more difficult.

3. Dehydration

Do you often experience difficulties when you draw blood? You may be dehydrated. Because the blood consists of 50 percent water. If the body is not well hydrated thenthe blood flow is not smooth. It's different with people who drink enough water. The blood flow is faster and smoother so that the blood vessels are easier to find.

Therefore, make sure your fluid needs are met properly at least 2 days before the process of taking blood.

Tips to simplify the process of taking blood and minimal pain

1. Adjust breath

Regulating breath holds an important process when taking blood. Because, this is useful to prevent dizziness or nausea when blood begins to be taken. Therefore, try to take a walk for a while while breathing to minimize pain during the blood collection process.

2. Don't be afraid to be honest

If you have experienced fainting or excessive fear when taking blood before, tell the nurse or phlebotomist. They will anticipate this by improving your sitting position to make it more comfortable when blood is taken.

3. Don't look at the process

People who are afraid of blood are strongly advised not to see the process. Because, this can cause tension throughout the body so that blood is increasingly difficult to take. Therefore, turn your attention to other things, such as reading magazines or seeing things around while breathing.

4. If it doesn't work, ask for help from another nurse

If the blood collection process doesn't work after two trials, ask for help from a nurse or other phlebotomist. Maybe this is indeed because your veins are hidden or too thin, but it does not rule out if the nurse is inexperienced.

To overcome this, a nurse or phlebotomist will likely use a smaller needle - called a butterfly needle - which usually works for the case of small blood vessels.

5. Sit quietly

Adjust your position as comfortably as possible and sit quietly. Even if you are filled with nervousness or anxiety, try to be as calm as possible so that your blood vessels are not tense and further lengthen the blood collection time. Try to drink enough water so that you are more calm. The more calm you are, the faster the process is finished.

6. Using local anesthesia

This method is most often used for children, even though adults also use it. This procedure is done by applying certain drugs to the skin a few minutes before the blood collection process begins.

If the blood collection process is so painful, consult an expert to get this anesthetic if available. This method is classified as very safe to use, because the effect is only temporary and enough to be applied to a small area.

Why Can Some People Get Their Blood Hard?
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