Besides Fun, These 3 Special Benefits of Playing Football for Children


Medical Video: Dr. Chris Carr and Hardy Nickerson - Benefits of Football

Don't scold your child if he comes home with dirty clothes and shoes because he is playing soccer. You have to know, the many benefits of playing football that your child can get! Including health benefits. What are the benefits of playing soccer for children? You will know in this article.

What are the benefits of playing soccer for children?

If your little one likes soccer, this sport not only develops the ability of children about agility, speed, and stamina, but also teaches children about the importance of teamwork. If you start seeing your little one interested in football, there's nothing wrong with channeling your energy by putting your little one into a football club or school.

Invite the child to talk, whether he really wants it or not. If so, choose a football club or school that suits your child's needs. The problem is, each club has different rules and focus of practice.

If he just likes playing, you don't need to worry, this game still brings benefits to your little one. What are the benefits of playing soccer? Here's the explanation.

1. Improve fitness

Two important criteria that football players must have are to be healthy and agile. This game requires children to run faster to catch the ball on a fairly large field. This activity builds up the durability and speed of your little one.

Dribbling and putting the ball into the opponent's goal can train agility and a sense of cooperation with other people. Exercising bones and muscles to be strong is a health benefit that your child can get from active sports like soccer.

Because the body of the child becomes more fit, playing soccer reduces the risk of your child to get type 2 diabetes and being overweight like obesity. If this is the benefit of playing football that your child gets, sure would you forbid them again?

2. Build your child's social sensitivity

Playing with a soccer team will develop the ability of children to work together, communicate, and interact with other children. To win a soccer match, all teams must communicate and work together. The position of the soccer player on the back line and acting as a defense must help the midfielder (midfielder) and forward (attacker) when attacking the opponent's goal.

When they get an opponent's attack, a forward or more commonly known striker must help defenders to help defense.

When dribbling until you can break the opponent's goal, this requires communication and trust between players. This collaboration develops children's social abilities. Children who play soccer find it easier to develop self-confidence and improve their social sense.

3. Develop a good personality for children

The game of football emphasizes overall teamwork, not just individual expertise. That's why this sport game is less preferred by children who only like athletic sports such as running or swimming.

Football encourages teamwork and communication between players, this allows children to understand their personalities and relate them to team success rather than just thinking to outperform their teammates.

In addition, soccer practice also forms a disciplined and creative personality in solving problems. Therefore, the benefits of playing soccer are so great for children.

Besides Fun, These 3 Special Benefits of Playing Football for Children
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