Why Can Someone Have Potential Allergies?


Medical Video: Does your Child have Food Allergies

Beans, seafood, and milk are the most common foods that cause allergies. But apparently, there are a handful of people who have allergies to potatoes. Although it is rare, both small children and adults can experience potato allergies. Why is that? See the full explanation in this article.

What are the causes of potato allergies?

Food allergies are caused by the body's immune system that misidentifies substances in food or drinks as foreign substances, so the body fights them by giving rise to allergic reactions as self-defense efforts.

If you are allergic to potatoes, your immune system considers proteins, alkaloids, and other substances in potatoes as dangerous substances. This substance can enter the body many times without causing an allergic reaction. Once it's over the tolerance limit, the new body will react. So do not be surprised if there are some people who have experienced allergies for the first time as adults.

Potato allergy symptoms

Various food allergic reactions can appear in different forms, from mild to serious. This depends on how your body reacts to substances that are thought to be dangerous and how much of these substances enter your body.

Generally You will immediately experience an allergic reaction when touching or eating potatoes (raw or cooked) in seconds to minutes. For some people, this reaction can also occur for several hours after direct contact with potatoes, for example when peeling potatoes.In fact, there are also people who can be allergic to using spoons, forks, knives, or dishes made from potatoes.

The symptoms of potato allergy basically vary from person to person, from mild to serious. However, here are some typical symptoms of potato allergies:

  • Rhintis, including runny nose, sneezing, and itchy eyes.
  • Pain or itching in the throat.
  • A reddish rash appears on the skin.
  • Swelling in the mouth, tongue, or throat.
  • Tingling sensation on your lips after eating potatoes.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Bloated.
  • Diarrhea.

Mild allergy symptoms can usually be relieved by antihistamine drugs. However, if your condition does not improve, consult a doctor immediately. This is done to ensure that there are no further complications that are harmful. In addition, this is also done so that you can handle the right one according to your needs.

Which must be considered if you have a potato allergy

If you are allergic to potatoes, it is important for you to read each packaging label carefully. The reason is, potatoes are often an additional ingredient used to make certain processed foods or drinks. As an example:

  • Mature potatoes are sometimes used as thickener in processed foods, such as canned soup.
  • Potato flour can be used as a substitute for wheat flour in packaged foods or in restaurants.
  • Modified potato starch can be found in a variety of products, including some sweets.
  • Grated cheese may contain potato flour.
  • Many types of vodka are made from potato fermentation.
  • Potatoes are also used as herbal medicinal herbs to limit abdominal pain. In addition, potatoes are also often used as topical herbal medicines to reduce inflammation and skin ulcers.

Well, that's why always double-check the list of ingredients contained in all packaging, food, drinks, medicines, and herbal supplements.

Why Can Someone Have Potential Allergies?
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