12 Good Foods for the Heart


Medical Video: 15 Foods That Reduce Your Heart Attack Risk by 80%

Have you ever had trouble sleeping, gaining weight, or having a prolonged headache? These things are a sign that your body has many poisons. Toxins can come from diet, lifestyle habits, or pollutants from the environment. This also means your heart needs to work harder to cleanse the blood of all poisons. To help your heart, you can change your diet to give your liver important nutrients to function efficiently.

Why is it important to have a healthy heart?

When you cleanse your heart of poisons, you will immediately begin to feel its health benefits. These benefits include:

  • increasing energy level
  • stronger immune system
  • better mood and mind
  • loss of sinusitis
  • loss of abdominal pain or constipation
  • loss of breath odor
  • brighter skin
  • regular menstrual cycle and reduced PMS

What foods are good for the liver?

1. Water

Up to 60% of your body is water. But unlike camels, humans do not store water in a bag on their back. Water content in the human body is the water content in the circulation, stored in the cells of the body. If you don't have enough water, your heart can't be healthy. Toxins leave your body through water, like urine and sweat. It is recommended to drink 3 liters of water every day. But don't drink water too much, because it's not good either.

2. Cruciferous vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables are a type of vegetable that includes broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, bok choy and daikon. The name of the vegetable group comes from the shape of a leaf that resembles a cross. These vegetables have phytonutrients - flavonoids, carotenoids, sulforaphane and indoles. These natural chemicals can help the liver neutralize chemicals, pesticides, drugs and carcinogens.

3. Green vegetables

Green vegetables like kale, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage are rich in sulfur. These chemicals are famous for their ability to detoxify the liver and can be cooked in various ways. Dandelion, one of these vegetable groups, is the most effective plant and is recommended for the liver. Not only does it detoxify the liver, dandelion also stimulates the production of liver bile and gall bladder to support fat digestion and absorption.

4. Marine plants

Also known as algea and has many types of algea. Some examples are arame, nori, kombu, wakame, hijiki, dulse, agar and kelp. Japanese citizens have the lowest mortality associated with liver disease because sea plants are one of the main foods in their diet. These marine plants help the liver to prevent metals from being absorbed by your body.

5. Grains germinate, beans, and grains

Proteins and enzymes from sprouts help increase liver defenses against poisons. In addition, they also have chemicals that prevent cancer.

6. Foods that are rich in sulfur

Your liver needs sulfur to detoxify by removing mercury or certain food additives. Sulfur has an anti-inflammatory effect and is good for your whole body. However, most people don't get enough sulfur. You can get sulfur in foods like:

  • garlic
  • onions, shallots, leeks
  • egg
  • artichoke
  • health mushrooms: maitake, shiitake, reishi

7. Fruits

Fruits in general, especially cherry fruits such as strawberries, raspberries and cranberries are often referred to as super fruits because they are very healthy. These fruits contain anthocyanins and polyphenols, which have been shown to inhibit the development of cancer cells in the liver. In addition, they are also rich in antioxidants and can reduce acne, pain and aging.

8. Prebiotic fibrous foods

Prebiotic fibers are a group of carbohydrates that are not digested but help digestion. Their job is to produce absorbed fat and reduce the risk of fatty liver.

9. Fermented foods

Fermented foods like kimchi, pickles, miso soup and tofu can add microorganisms to the stomach and help digestion. In addition, chemical compounds in fermented foods have been broken down, making it easy for people with liver disease to digest.

10. Healthy fats

Fat gives the body energy to work and play. You can find healthy fats in natural products such as flax seeds, hemp seeds, chia seeds, coconut oil, olive oil and avocados. These foods contain healthy fats such as unsaturated fats and monosaturated fat. The source most rich in omega-3 fatty acids is from seafood.

11. Spices

Spices are the cheapest way to get a healthy heart. Versatile spices - can be made into tea or as a spice - and rich in anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antimicrobial detoxifying agents.

12. Animal protein

Meat lovers can rejoice because they don't have to stop consuming meat. Even though there is a risk of ammonia poisoning if you consume meat from an insecure origin or meat not cooked according to standards, you can avoid these risks by buying food ingredients from organic brands and cooking properly. Choose pieces of meat that have less fat and avoid frying them.

Sometimes it's difficult to avoid poisons. Toxins can be found in food, the environment and the products we use. It is important to eliminate poisons as much as possible. Try to eat the food above in your diet, which can help cleanse and support your heart.


  • Guide to Doing a Detox Diet for Your Liver
  • 5 Signs There Are Problems With Your Liver
  • Distinguishing Various Stages and Stages of Liver Cancer
12 Good Foods for the Heart
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