4 Causes That Make Us Sleepy After Eating


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Are you among those who are often sleepy after eating? Have you ever wondered why this happened? Is this a sign that you are suffering from an illness? Maybe.

Sleepiness after eating is one of your body's responses to chemical changes caused by digestion. This means that this is normal for everyone. However, if the feeling of drowsiness always appears every time you finish eating and is very disturbing to your activities, maybe this should be a concern. Feeling sleepy after lunch can also be annoying when you have to do work again after lunch.

Causes of sleepiness after eating

The stomach is full and drowsiness appears. This often happens to many people. Feeling sleepy after eating can be caused by several things, such as the type of food you eat, irregular sleep habits, health conditions, and so on.

1. Digestive patterns and hormones in the brain

The body needs energy to perform its functions, and this energy is obtained through food. The body then breaks down nutrients from food in the digestive system to be made into glucose which is then converted into energy. After eating, the body releases hormones, such as the hormones amiline, glucagon, and cholecystokinin. These hormones function to increase blood sugar levels, make a feeling of fullness, and to produce insulin which will flow into cells to provide energy to the cell.

At the same time, the brain also releases serotonin which causes drowsiness. In addition, food also affects the production of melatonin in the brain. Both of these hormones cause drowsiness after eating. Melatonin is made in the brain by transforming the amino acid tryptophan into serotonin, and then becoming melatonin.

2. The type of food you eat

The body digests all food in the same way but food affects the body differently. Some foods can make you sleepy compared to other foods. Foods that contain high protein, such as meat, chicken, eggs, fish, spinach, tofu, cheese and soybeans contain tryptophan amino acids. This amino acid is used by the body to produce serotonin which is responsible for drowsiness.

In addition, eating foods containing carbohydrates also helps the brain produce serotonin and makes the amino acid tryptophan available in the brain. This is the reason why after eating carbohydrate-rich foods, you feel sleepy. A combination of foods that contain amino acids tryptophan (protein) and carbohydrates make you sleepy. Therefore, good food before going to bed is carbohydrate and protein, such as cereal and milk.

Too much eating can also cause drowsiness. After eating, the body drains more blood to the digestive system to digest large amounts of food. This causes a temporary shortage of blood and nutrients in the brain.

To prevent drowsiness after eating, you should eat a balanced diet, including vegetables, whole grains, and good fats that aim to produce sustainable energy. Drink lots of water, limit sugar intake, and eat smaller portions, but more often, can also help maintain energy so you don't feel sleepy right after eating.

3. Sleep habits

Bad night sleep habits can also cause you to feel sleepy after eating. After eating, the body feels full and relaxed, making the body feel rested and feeling sleepy is overwhelming, especially if you don't get enough sleep the night before.

To prevent this from happening, you should improve your sleep patterns and avoid stress. Coupled with regular exercise that can help you get a better night's sleep. It's best not to take a nap if you have trouble sleeping at night.

4. Health conditions

If you often feel sleepy and want to sleep every time after eating, this could be signs of certain diseases, such as celiac disease, anemia, food intolerance, allergies, sleep apnea, and underactive thyroids. Consult your doctor if you suffer from this condition or if you often feel sleepy especially after eating.

Sleepiness after eating can also be a sign that you are lacking certain nutrients. Lack of nutrition causes food not to be digested properly because your body fails to digest it. As a result, you will not have enough energy to support your activities throughout the day and feel sleepy all the time.


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4 Causes That Make Us Sleepy After Eating
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