Causes of Clitoral Swelling That Are Not Over


Medical Video: Swollen Clitoris During Pregnancy//Causes//Treatment

Yes, women can also experience erections, namely the clitoral swelling due to sexual stimulation. However, prolonged erection in women or called priapism the clitoris is a rare condition that occurs when the clitoris erections are long, more than 4 hours long, so painful.

Differences in prolonged erections in women and in men

Clitoral priapismus is a phenomenon similar to penile priapism, which is a disturbance in the flow of blood flowing out of the erectile space. The end result is the clitoris becomes enlarged, swollen, and tends to be painful. But unlike prolonged erection of the penis, prolonged clitoral swelling in women is not considered a medical emergency, because the risk of blood clots is much lower. The low risk is caused by the amount of blood circulation to the clitoris compared to the penis. Although the danger level of clitoral priapismus is much smaller, emergency treatment is still needed to reduce symptoms.

Examples of cases of prolonged clitoral swelling in women

Case 1

According to a case published in the International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology in 2006, a 24-year-old woman who had never been pregnant had clitoral swelling for more than 2 weeks. These symptoms arise gradually, without being accompanied by sexual activity.

Regardless of pain when urinating, he has no other symptoms. There is no history of trauma or drug use, regardless of oral contraceptive use. The woman is known to have congenital clitoromegaly (an event of clitoral enlargement).

This condition has been widely evaluated in early childhood. There was no endocrine, chromosome, or additional anatomic abnormalities at that time. Physical and sexual development is also declared normal. Clinical examinations reveal that these healthy young women have several piercing on his body, but none is in the pubic region. In addition, it has a clitoris that is soft and enlarged to 4-5 cm long.

The clitoral crura (the tip of the clitoris) is clearly palpable on the inner side of the ramus pubis and feels soft. Transvaginal ultrasound and laboratory tests revealed no abnormalities. In the absence of clear causes, there is no useful advice on clinical action.

Under general anesthesia, the clitoris and crura stems are filled with injections apinephrine and heparin. After injection, the crura and the clitoral stem are sucked using a large needle, then a number of dark and thick blood is obtained. Within a few days, the woman recovered completely. However, two years later he experienced clitoral pain without accompanied by swelling, which is not related to sexual arousal.

Case 2

According to a study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, a 29-year-old woman had a serious case of clitoral priapismus for five days, a condition that occurred after she took bupropion and trazodone antidepressants. The woman has taken medication every day to treat low libido in recent months, and has increased the dose before experiencing labia swelling and pain in the clitoral region.

Even though he no longer took the medicine, the pain and swelling were getting worse over the next five days. "Pain has weakened his body, because he can't walk, sit, or stand without being followed by worsening pain," according to the researchers. On examination, the doctor finds the clitoris enlarged to measuring 2 x 0.7 cm with a change of color to purple.

The woman was given oral decongestant drugs and Sudafed for three days. After one day taking the drug every six hours, the woman must continue to consume Sudafed for two days until everything returns to normal, according to the researchers.


Like the two cases above, the causes of prolonged clitoral swelling in women vary. Therefore, the type of treatment is also different. Although priapismus has the potential to affect men and women, keep in mind that this condition is quite rare. The risk of prolonged swelling of the clitoris is indeed low, but if you experience pain in the clitoris for hours and don't subside, don't hesitate to seek medical help.


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Causes of Clitoral Swelling That Are Not Over
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