4 Types of Popular Diet and Minus Plus


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What type of diet have you (or are) currently living? There are many reasons why someone is dieting, both for health and beauty reasons. Therefore, many types of diets appear based on different understandings and theories. Here are some types of diets that you may have heard of.

Paleo diet

Also known by name the caveman diet (caveman's diet), warrior diet, stone age diet, or hunter diet. When undergoing a paleo diet, you are advised to consume the types of food that were consumed by early humans, namely meat and food from plants (vegetables and fruit). The reason is because our bodies are actually programmed only to digest these types of food. The types of food that can be eaten while undergoing a paleo diet are foods that can be hunted and are available in the era Paleolithic, before the era of farming began, namely meat, seafood, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruit, and nuts. You are advised to consume organic fruits, fish caught in the wild (not the results of ponds or ponds) and meat from animals that are allowed to grow naturally (not given special feed to accelerate growth).

The Paleo diet does not encourage the consumption of salt and processed foods that are high in salt, thus reducing your risk of suffering from hypertension. Consumption of low-fat meat, lots of vegetables and fruit can control your blood sugar levels while reducing your risk of diabetes. Types of food dominated by vegetables and fruit can make you feel full longer so that it can help you lose weight.

Deficiency: Foods that you can consume for this type of diet are quite limited and may not be easy to obtain. Types of organic food also cost more than ordinary products sold on the market.

Blood type diet

This diet advises you to eat food and exercise according to your blood type. For blood type O which is called the oldest O blood group, suitable foods are ancient foods such as low-fat meat, poultry meat and fish. Avoid foods that come from whole grains (rice, wheat, and processed) and the appropriate type of exercise is moderate intensity exercise that tends to be heavy. Blood type A is more of a type of vegetarian diet such as vegetables, fruits and grains. The recommended physical activity is low intensity. Blood type B has a more tolerant digestive system so that it can incorporate meat and milk products and its ingredients into the daily diet, but it is recommended to avoid wheat, corn, and nuts. The recommended type of exercise is moderate intensity. Blood type AB has sensitive digestion, it is recommended to avoid meat. The recommended type of exercise is a calming exercise such as yoga.

Deficiency: This type of diet that eliminates one type of nutrient (not for the purpose of disease therapy) such as this blood type diet increases your risk of experiencing deficiencies in these nutrients, even though your body needs all types of nutrients to function normally.

Alkaline diet

This diet aims to maintain your body's pH to remain alkaline or alkaline. The pH of our blood ranges from 7.35 to 7.45. It is very important to maintain the pH range because our body's cells work optimally in a slightly alkaline pH. An alkaline diet recommends that you eat foods where 70% are alkaline and 30% are acidic. The types of foods that produce alkaline properties in the body are those that contain lots of minerals such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, potatoes, and even citrus fruits are included in this category. While the types of foods that create acidic conditions in the body are foods that contain lots of protein and phosphorus such as red meat, poultry, fish, processed foods, milk and processed foods, rice, and bread.

Deficiency: This diet cannot be scientifically proven. However, an alkaline diet recommends that you consume more vegetables, fruits, and nuts. This can have a positive effect on health regardless of the nature of the acid or base produced.

Mediterranean diet

Coming from countries around the Mediterranean sea, this diet is famous for its health benefits. This diet recommends consuming foods that are dominated by vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grains, and olive oil. The Mediterranean diet promotes low fat, low cholesterol, and high fiber eating habits. Foods in the Mediterranean diet are not foods that experience many processes (such as processed foods), preparing food in the Mediterranean diet is also relatively easy because it rarely has to be fried or deep-fried.

The Mediterranean diet is the type of diet most studied for its health benefits. Reducing the risk of heart disease, reducing cholesterol levels, losing weight, and preventing cancer including the benefits of the Mediterranean diet.

Deficiency: What you should pay attention to on this type of diet is the high-calorie foods that are commonly used such as olive oil and nuts.


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4 Types of Popular Diet and Minus Plus
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