5 Foods that Can Not Be Eaten by Hepatitis


Medical Video: Hepatitis A and B | Nucleus Health

A positive diagnosis of hepatitis makes you need to be more careful in choosing food. Expand eating nutritious foods and avoid eating too much certain foods. The reason is, certain foods are known to damage liver function, which risks worsening your condition. What are the dietary restrictions for people with hepatitis?

List of dietary restrictions for people with hepatitis

1. Alcohol and liquor

Alcohol and liquor are ranked first in dietary restrictions for people with hepatitis. As much as possible avoid drinking beer, wine, champagne, and other alcoholic beverages. Alcohol is toxic which can inhibit the absorption of food nutrients. Eating alcohol, even even a small portion, can trigger alcoholic fatty liver disease. This then increases the risk of people with hepatitis against fibrosis and severe cirrhosis, as well as worsening hepatitis symptoms such as the development of advanced liver damage. Excessive alcohol intake will waste the effects of interferon therapy, a hepatitis drug commonly prescribed by doctors to reduce your risk of developing liver disease.

It should also be noted that alcohol here is not only in the form of liquor. Some over-the-counter pain medications such as syrup coughs also contain alcohol.

2. Foods high in salt

A liver that is already damaged by hepatitis cannot process the salt (sodium) completely. High sodium levels in the body can increase blood pressure, which then contributes to fatty liver disease. Canned food, including soup, meat, or canned vegetables, has a high sugar and salt content, which causes stomach swelling and fluid retention. Read nutritional labels and reduce your intake of high-salt processed foods such as meat, bacon, corned beef, and sausages. Consult your doctor about medicines that can help control your blood pressure.

3. Foods high in saturated fat

Having hepatitis does not necessarily mean avoiding fat intake. Hepatitis can cause you to experience weight loss without realizing it. Therefore, it is important to consume fat to maintain a steady body weight. In addition, liver damage can reduce the ability of the liver to produce bile. Bile fluid is needed for the body to digest and absorb fat.

However, don't consume careless fat. Your body needs healthy fats, for example foods that are high in unsaturated fats, namely olive oil, canola oil, and avocado. Avoid foods high in saturated fat or trans fat. Examples of foods high in saturated fat are butter, milk and all animal products.

4. Foods high in protein

Liver damage from hepatitis can cause clots of ammonia in the body. Excess ammonia toxins in the body can damage brain function. Many nutritionists and health experts recommend that you should not consume more than 1 g of protein per 1 kg of your body weight each day. Foods high in fat include meat, poultry, fish, dairy products, peas, nuts and seeds, and some cereals.

5. Sweet foods

Sweet food is another food taboo for people with hepatitis. This is because sweet foods contain simple carbohydrates which can cause blood sugar to surge dramatically. Blood sugar that is too high can cause diabetes, which can increase the risk of liver disease or worsen liver damage. It's okay to eat sweet foods, but limit some types of sweet foods such as pastries, white bread, and foods that contain added sugar. Either way, multiply eating foods that contain natural sugars and fibrous carbohydrates, such as strawberries, oranges, or apples. Dietary fiber slows down the absorption of blood glucose in the body, which helps balance blood sugar.

The liver is an important organ that works endlessly to drain toxins from the body. Therefore, picking out the right foodsis an important part of the process of treating hepatitis and other liver diseases. The more careful you are in choosing food, the healthier you are.

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5 Foods that Can Not Be Eaten by Hepatitis
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