5 Tricks to Lose Weight in Your 30s


Medical Video: How to Lose Weight and Get More Energy in 15 Days

Maybe you've heard that you will find it harder to lose weight in your 30s. This is true. At the age of 30, the body will slowly lose muscle mass and function. This is one of the natural symptoms of aging. In addition, the body's metabolism will also slow down so you are more difficult to burn calories.

However, in most cases, the reason why diets in their thirties are difficult is your own lifestyle. In this age range, many people are too busy with work, household affairs, and taking care of children. As a result, there is no more time for regular exercise or maintaining a healthy and balanced diet.

In addition, the habit of sitting all day in the office also makes the body less flexible. You also become more lazy to exercise and maintain fitness. Without physical activity and exercise, you will certainly find it harder to lose weight.

Tips for losing weight in your 30s

Although losing weight in the 30s is more challenging than ten years ago, there's no need to worry. There are five special tricks that have been prepared for your diet program. Consider the following tips.

1. Calculate the calories you need every day

Everyone's body is different, so calorie needs also vary. To calculate how many calories you need, please see the guide and formula in this link. In order for the results to be more accurate, you can also consult a nutritionist.

Remember that at this age your metabolism has slowed down, so you don't need as much calorie intake as ever. So, pay close attention to the nutritional content of the food you consume everyday. In order to lose weight fast, make sure you don't eat more than your daily nutritional needs.

2. Do not arbitrarily choose a diet method

At the age of 30, the body will be more difficult to adapt to changes. So, don't try various types of diets that are only limited to "people say". For example, limiting eating only once a day. A diet like this makes your metabolic system confused about this change.

Because it doesn't concede food and nutrition for a long time, appetite is even more difficult to control and the metabolism becomes chaotic. The result is that your weight is difficult to control. You better increase the frequency of eating in a day, but reduce the portion.

3. Prioritizing a healthy lifestyle

Losing weight at the age of 30 is not just a matter of diet. You must change your lifestyle as a whole if you want to enjoy maximum results. No matter how hard your diet is, if you still maintain a long lifestyle, your weight won't change too.

So, plan your lifestyle changes carefully. Starting from choosing foods that are only healthy, quitting smoking, controlling alcohol drinking habits, reducing staying up late, and taking the time to exercise. You can start slowly, because you certainly have to adjust the changes in this new lifestyle with busyness in the office and at home.

4. Looking for support from friends and family

Support from friends and family is very important for men and women in their 30s when losing weight. Because, in this age range, most men and women tend to enjoy an unhealthy lifestyle. For example, often eat but rarely exercise. You also get carried away.

Not that you have to stay away from friends whose lifestyle is not healthy. Instead, invite relatives to lose weight together. You also become more diet enthusiastic and it's easier to control yourself when gathering with other people.

5. Manage stress

In your 30s, you are vulnerable to stress. Whether it's because of work or household problems. Unwittingly, stress can affect your diet and weight. So, you must be good at managing stress so that the outlet is not in the form of eating or snacking excessive.

If you already feel the symptoms of stress, immediately calm yourself in a healthy way. You can exercise, pamper yourself to a salon, or take advantage of aromatherapy from essential oils.


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5 Tricks to Lose Weight in Your 30s
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