6 Benefits of Kola Fruit for Health It's a pity to miss it


Medical Video: Top 6 Health Benefits of Kola Nut Fruit

Maybe not many people know that Coca-Cola is made from fruit ingredients that are named the same. Yes, the distinctive taste of a million favorite sodas is obtained from kola fruit seed extract. The fruit itself also turns out to save many health benefits. Anything?

Nutritional content of kola fruit

Cola generally contains about 2 percent caffeine and 2 percent theobromine. Both of these active substancesacts as a natural stimulant to stimulate the brain and heart to work.Caffeine is a stimulant often found in tea and coffee, while theobromine is found in green tea and chocolate fruit.

Cola also contains micronutrients, including potassium, magnesium and calcium.

Benefits of cola for health

1. Increase body metabolism

A publication study African Journal of Biotechnology that thanks to the stimulant effect that triggers the heart rate, kola fruit seed extract can increase the body's metabolism. How fast your body's metabolism works will affect your overall level of health.

Stress, for example, can slow down your body's metabolic rate by releasing the hormone cortisol. As a result, your appetite increases. If this happens continuously, then you can experience weight gain. This weight gain can ultimately cause your body's metabolism to decrease. Your risk of many metabolic disorders, such as obesity and diabetes, also increases.

2. Lose weight

The effect of increasing the body's metabolism from cola seeds can also lose weight regularly. This benefit can be achieved because kola extract helps extend the anabolic duration of metabolism.

Easy, the process of anabolism is the process of formation. Food intake will be collected by the body to then be formed into a new substance that the body can use to carry out its functions. This process occurs when the body repairs damaged tissue, and builds and produces various hormones. This process will consume energy from fat deposits, so that weight can go down.

3. Maintain kdigestive health

All kola parts, including the fruit and seeds, canhelps speed up the production of stomach acid and is very helpful for stimulating digestion faster.

4. Increase energy

The caffeine content in kola naturally stimulates the central nervous system, which can increase energy while also being beneficial in reducing fatigue in the long run.

5. As an antibacterial

A study reported in Journal of Biosciences and Medicines reported that the use of cola extract can stop the growth and spread of harmful bacteria. Some types of bacteria that cause meningitis and tuberculosis are believed to be able to overcome with 4-10 micrograms per milliliter of kola seed extract.

6. Overcoming the symptoms of certain diseases

There are several health conditions that can be corrected by eating kola fruit.Published research pthere is Journal of Toxiology explained that kola seed extract was able to overcome the symptoms of prostate cancer. Nonsteroidal compounds from cola seeds called phytoandrogens or phytoestrogens are known to cause prostate cancer cell death.

Cola extract is also reported to help with migraine symptoms. Migraines often affect blood vessels in the head. Theobromine and caffeine contained in cauliflower can widen blood vessels in the brain, which can reduce side headaches due to migraine.

In addition, colas are also shown to be useful for treating symptoms of asthma and bronchitis. Caffeine in kola stimulates the central nervous system to dilate the bronchi (airways of the lungs), so you can breathe more easily.

Don't carelessly eat kola fruit

It's best to consult your doctor if you want to try eating kola to avoid the risk of side effects. This fruit contains caffeine in high doses, which can cause dehydration. In some cases, high doses of caffeine can trigger a heart attack.

Fresh versions of kola fruit are quite rare. But this does not mean you can replace it with lots of consumption of the typical black carbonation drink because it is tempted by the benefits of the fruit. The content of kola in these soft drinks can be said to be very, very little. Carbonated drinks are actually enriched by sugar, which is harmful to your body.

6 Benefits of Kola Fruit for Health It's a pity to miss it
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