7 Fruits and Vegetables Must Be Reduced During the Low Carbohydrate Diet


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A low carbohydrate diet is quite popular as a way to lose weight. Because in addition to helping you lose weight, this diet also keeps your blood sugar balanced and decreases triglyceride fat levels in the blood. Now to run it, you need to pay attention to your daily food intake, including fruit and vegetables.

Although both include healthy foods, there are several fruits and vegetables that need to be reduced in a low carbohydrate diet menu so the program runs smoothly. A number of vegetables and fruits contain very high carbohydrates, even though the limit of the amount of carbohydrate intake that can be consumed during the diet is only about 20 to 100 grams per day.

Various fruits and vegetables that need to be reduced in a low carbohydrate diet menu

To make your diet program a success, here are various fruits and vegetables that you need to reduce and limit your low carbohydrate diet every day.

1. Dried fruits

sugar in dried fruit

Dry fruits are a type of fruit that is very high in carbohydrates. One cup of raisins, equivalent to 190 grams, for example, contains 110 grams of carbohydrates. In addition, dried apricots contain 72 grams of carbohydrates while fresh apricots contain only about 15 grams.

Some dried fruit also adds sugar during the manufacturing process which increases the amount of carbohydrates in it. A cup of blueberries dried and added with sugar contains 116 grams of carbohydrates while fresh blueberries contain only 18 grams of carbohydrates.

Therefore, you should limit even as much as possible avoid eating dried fruit if you are on a low carbohydrate diet.

2. Mango

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Mangoes include tropical fruits that have a high natural sugar content. Sugar is one simple carbohydrate which is later broken down into blood sugar. So, you should reduce the portion of mangoes in your low carbohydrate diet menu. This is because one mango contains about 46 grams of carbohydrates. This amount is high for consumption by those of you who are on a low-carbohydrate diet.

3. Banana

benefits of banana skin

Bananas contain lots of vitamins and minerals that are very good for health. One of the highest content of bananas is potassium which helps maintain muscle function and the digestive system. However, if you are on a low carbohydrate diet then you need to reduce the portion. Because the banana contains carbohydrates that are quite high. Quoted from Medical News Today, one banana weighing 126 grams contains 110 calories, 30 grams of carbohydrates, and 1 gram of protein.

4. Apples

Apple seeds contain cyanide

Apples include fruits that are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants that help maintain the immune system. In addition, eating apples and their skin is also very good for maintaining the health of the digestive system by preventing you from constipation. Unfortunately, apples also contain high enough carbohydrates which are around 25 grams. For that, try to limit the portion because if too much can actually increase carbohydrate levels in your daily diet menu.

5. Potatoes

benefits of potatoes

Potatoes are vegetables that contain high enough carbohydrates which are around 59 grams. This amount consists of 5 grams of carbohydrates derived from fiber and does not break down into sugar and other 54 grams which will be digested into sugar. Therefore, you should limit potato dishes in your diet because this one vegetable can unwittingly increase your daily carbohydrate intake.

6. Sweet potatoes

One family with potatoes, sweet potatoes are a source of vegetables rich in other carbohydrates. One medium-sized sweet potato contains about 24 grams of carbohydrates with 4 grams of which comes from fiber.

Compared to potatoes, sweet potatoes do have lower carbohydrate levels, so the glycemic index is also lower. However, you still need to limit the amount of vegetables if you want to include them in your diet plan.

7. Sweet corn

benefits of corn

Sweet corn is included in the type of whole grains that fall into the group of starchy vegetables. It is called starchy vegetables because the carbohydrate content in it is high enough to have a high glycemic index level. Sweet corn is rich in vitamin C, magnesium, B vitamins, and carotenoids.

However, one large corn contains high carbohydrates, which is about 41 grams with 4 grams of which is fiber. For that, reduce the portion if you want to include corn as your food menu.

Various fruits and vegetables are not not allowed to be consumed at all! You just need to limit and reduce the portion so that your low carbohydrate diet can produce the desired results.

7 Fruits and Vegetables Must Be Reduced During the Low Carbohydrate Diet
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