Although Nutritious, Also Know the Health Risks of Eating Vegetables


Medical Video: Top 10 Healthiest Vegetables

People say, you have to eat lots of vegetables so you can live healthy. Vegetables are needed by the body because they contain many vitamins and minerals that are important for the body. However, did you know that behind the many benefits, it turns out there is also a bad side of vegetables to our bodies. Here are some reasons why some vegetables are not healthy for the body.

Some vegetables are not healthy for the body, what are they? What is the reason?

1. Fibrous vegetables increase the risk of inflammation of the digestive tract

Stightly is the main component of the many vegetables you eat. The type of fiber itself is divided into two, namely fibers that can be digested by the body and fibers that cannot be digested. Fiber that can be digested by the body for example is found in whole wheat.This type of fiber helps reduce cholesterol levels and blood sugar in the blood.

On the other hand, fibers that cannot be digested by the body are formed from cellulose, which is one type of complex carbohydrate. This fiber cannot be broken down into simple molecules that can be absorbed by the body. This non-digestible fiber helps cleanse the digestive tract when it passes.

But on the other hand, this type of fiber has the potential to have a negative impact on health. Konstantin Monastyrsky in his book Menace Fiber explained that this insoluble fiber can increase the risk of inflammation and irritation of the digestive tract that has been injured. Leonard Smith, a surgeon, said that the sudden increase in fiber consumption can cause flatulence and frequent exhaustion. The effect will be worse if added with fermented foods or drinks such as yogurt.

2. Broccoli makes flatulence

Vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli are of course quite often you find. A group of vegetables from families Brassicaceae this is classifiedlow in calories and contains lots of nutrients. But it turns out broccoli et al are vegetables that are not healthy for the body because it can cause flatulence.

The human body cannot digest raffinoseone type of complex carbohydrate found in this vegetable group. When vegetables enter the stomach and reach the large intestine, they will be fermented by bacteria that produce methane gas, carbon dioxide and hydrogen. This causes the stomach to fill up with gas and become bloated.

3. Eggplant causes joint pain

Some vegetables such as eggplant, paprika and tomatoes or other plants that enter the family Solanaceae can cause inflammation. Cynthia Sass, a nutritionist, said that in the long run, this inflammation can cause joint pain, digestive problems, sleep problems, aging and other chronic diseases.

These vegetables producing compounds alkaloids which are called solaine. This compound can cause inflammation. However, this is still a debate because there is no research that is able to prove these allegations, and the number of compounds is too little to harm the body.

3. Pesticide vegetables

Pesticides are used to keep pests away from plants. However, pesticides can stick to and leave residues in vegetables. Pesticides will obviously have a negative impact on the human body. The Environmental Working Group in 2017 issued a list of vegetables with the highest pesticide residues. More than 98 percent of samples of strawberries, spinach, cherries and apples positively contain pesticide residues. Even twice as much as other plants.

Not that we have to stop eating vegetables

Knowing the various reasons why some vegetables are not healthy for the body, might make you shudder so decide to stop eating vegetables and become a meat eater for life. But this is also the wrong step.

We as consumers must be wise. The method is certainly not excessive and careful in choosing and processing vegetables that we will eat.

Although Nutritious, Also Know the Health Risks of Eating Vegetables
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