Between White Fresh Bread and Wheat Bread, Which is the Healthiest?


Medical Video: White Bread or Whole Grain Bread Which is Better?

Fresh bread is often consumed at breakfast instead of rice. There are various types of bread that you can make choices, from white bread, white bread that is flavored like chocolate or pandanus, to whole wheat bread. Each person must have his own taste. But from the many choices of bread available, which ones are actually the healthiest?

Compare the nutritional value between fresh bread and whole wheat bread

1. Different calorie content

One cup of bread (two pieces of bread) has as many as 175 calories. This value only applies when you only eat bread, without additional margarine / butter and other toppings. If fresh bread has been added with fillings such as jam or meises, of course the calories will increase according to the number of contents.

Differ again the number of calories between white bread with white bread that already has a taste like pandanus or chocolate. This "bargain" bread certainly has more calories because it contains extra flavor and sugar than ordinary white bread.

So, what about bread made from wheat? One cup of wheat bread has 138 calories in calories. It can be concluded that the calories of whole wheat bread are smaller than other types of bread, making it more suitable for those of you who are reducing calorie intake.

2. Different values ​​of the glycemic index

Bread is a carbohydrate substitute for rice which also contains the glycemic index. The glycemic index value is a calculation of how fast food is converted into blood sugar. High glycemic index makes blood sugar levels rise quickly, so it is quite dangerous for diabetics.

Then, which bread has the lowest glycemic index content? Among all types of bread, bread that has added flavor in it, such as bread pandanus or chocolate, has the highest glycemic index value due to added sugar.

Meanwhile, the GI value of wheat bread is lower than ordinary white bread. Wheat bread contains a glycemic value of around 49 per 100 grams. White bread usually contains a glycemic index value of up to 80.

But sometimes the value of IG does not really affect the speed of digestion in breaking down carbohydrate bread. A study published in the journal Cell Metabolism states that the response of blood sugar levels from people who consume white bread and wheat is almost the same. Although this is also influenced by the condition of each person.

3. Different content of other nutrients

Still from the above research, it is known that the nutrient content such as minerals and vitamins in white bread is less than whole wheat bread. This is because the type of white bread has gone through a longer and repeatedly processing. Meanwhile, on whole wheat bread, there is still more fiber, B vitamins, protein and other types of healthy fat than ordinary white bread.

So, is it healthy if I consume whole wheat bread constantly?

Even though it does have more vitamins, minerals and fiber, you still have to adjust the portion when you eat this type of bread. Remember, this bread also comes from packaged foods that are processed and must contain sodium - even if only a little.

Consuming sodium too often can put you at risk for high blood pressure. Therefore, you should vary your basic food source. Do not merely rice or whole wheat bread, you can choose other types of carbohydrate sources. The more varied your diet is, the more nutrients your body gets.

Between White Fresh Bread and Wheat Bread, Which is the Healthiest?
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