Beware, Canned Foods and Drinks Can Increase Blood Pressure


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Canned food or drinks may be one of your food and beverage choices. You can easily find these foods and drinks anywhere, supermarkets or minimarkets. The practical presentation and delicious taste makes you want to keep buying it.

Eits ... but wait, these cans and drinks can also endanger your health. One effect is that it can increase blood pressure.How can?

Ingredients in canned food and drinks

Salt, sugar, and preservatives are some of the ingredients that are intentionally added to canned foods and beverages. Not surprisingly, some canned foods and drinks contain high levels of salt. This certainly can bring bad effects for those of you who have high blood pressure (hypertension).

In addition to salt, sugar is also an ingredient that must be watched out for people with high blood pressure. Excess sugar intake in the diet (especially fructose sugar commonly found in canned foods / drinks) can develop the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease. Excess sugar intake is also associated with an increased risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus, which is also associated with heart disease.

For that, you need to be careful in consuming canned food or drinks, especially for those of you who already have high blood pressure. We recommend that you read labels on food or beverage packaging. Check how much salt, sugar, and preservatives contain in these cans or drinks. If you still have a small amount, you can still consume a limited amount.

Danger of BPA content in canned food / drinks

BPA content that can be found in cans or plastic containers can also cause an increase in blood pressure. BPA (Bisphenol-A) is a chemical that is often used in food packaging, such as cans. And, the content of BPA in these cans can move from the tin layer into food, so that it can endanger health.

A study shows that people who consume one serving of canned soup a day for five days can experience an increase of more than 1000% BPA in urine. This research was published in the JAMA journal in 2011.

Another study published in the journal Hypertension from the American Heart Association revealed that consumption of food or drinks packed in cans containing BPA layers can increase blood pressure. Researchers found that drinking two canned drinks can increase systolic blood pressure by 5 mmHg.

According to Dr. Yun Chul Hong, leader of the study, BPA can act like the hormone estrogen and interact with cells in the heart and blood vessels that are sensitive to estrogen. So, BPA which mixes with food and enters your body can increase blood pressure.

In addition to increasing blood pressure, BPA has also been linked to behavioral problems, obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, breast cancer, prostate cancer, heart disease, and kidney disease. Therefore, it is important for you to limit exposure to BPA. The best way is to limit the consumption of canned foods or food in plastic containers. If you like carrying bottled water or lunch boxes from plastic, you should choose a drinking water bottle or lunch box from BPA-free plastic material (BPA-free).

Beware, Canned Foods and Drinks Can Increase Blood Pressure
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