Like frying with used cooking oil? These 4 Dangers That Stalk You


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Fried foods taste really more shake the tongue. No wonder that most types of side dishes you consume are usually fried first. Because it often cooks fried foods, you might rarely replace cooking oil. Many fried sellers also usually do not replace cooking oil that has been used, even for days. Even though used cooking oil, or cooking oil that is not replaced for frying, is very risky for health. What are the dangers of used cooking oil? Read on the explanation below.

What are the dangers of used cooking oil when used for frying?

In fact, the more often you eat fried cooked with used cooking oil, the greater the danger for your body. Here are some of the dangers of used cooking oil for health.

1. Bacterial infections

Oil that has been used many times will become a nest for breeding various types of bacteria. One of them is Clostridium botulinum, bacteria that cause botulism. These bacteria will eat from particles and leftover fried crumbs in the pan or oil. So, frying with used oil will make you more susceptible to bacterial infections.

2. Increases the risk of cancer

Besides bacteria, used cooking oil is also a source of free radicals. Free radicals will be absorbed into foods that are fried and enter your body. In the body, free radicals will attack cells in the body and become carcinogens, which are cancer causes.

The more often you fry with used cooking oil, the more free radicals that accumulate in the body and cause gene mutations. Cells in your body are more vulnerable to turning into cancer cells.

3. Increases the risk of degenerative diseases

According to research by experts from the University of the Basque Country in Spain, used cooking oil contains organic aldehyde compounds. This compound is known to turn into a carcinogen in your body. In addition, aldehydes can also trigger chronic degenerative diseases. For example heart disease, Alzheimer's disease, and Parkinson's disease.

4. Being overweight or obese

The danger of cooking oil which is often not realized is the level of calories and trans fat that will increase. According to a study in the journal Food Chemistry in 2016, olive oil, which before fried does not contain trans fat, will eventually remove trans fat also after being used for frying repeatedly.

Excessive calories and trans fats will lead to overweight, even obesity. Obesity alone can cause various serious complications such as diabetes and heart disease.

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Frying tips to be healthier

Calm down, that doesn't mean you can't eat fried foods at all. You can fry, but try to always use new oil. However, if you are really forced, you can fry once more with the oil that has been used. So you can avoid various dangers of used cooking oil, see the following healthy tips when frying.

1. Filtered first. Before frying again, strain the crumbs and black pulp which is usually at the bottom of the frying pan. The more remaining crumbs and pulp, add more calories and fat that comes along when frying.

2. Don't overheat. Try not to get the oil hotter than 190º Celsius. You can use a special cooking thermometer to measure the temperature.

3. Turn off the heat when it's cooked. Do not let the oil be heated for too long because the chemical structure will change faster.

4. Store oil in a cool and closed place. After frying for the first time, cover the frying pan until the oil is slightly cold. Then transfer to a special container that is closed and store at room temperature.

Like frying with used cooking oil? These 4 Dangers That Stalk You
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