Can You Have a Mayo Diet While Fasting?


Medical Video: Mayo Clinic Minute: Is intermittent fasting healthful or harmful?

Fasting can be one effective way for you to lose weight. There are various diet methods that can be done to lose weight, one of them is mayo diet. Many people claim to succeed in losing a few kilograms of body weight in just two weeks.Especially nowadays there are many food catering that provides mayo diet menus. Well, but does running fast when the mayo diet is good for the body? See the explanation below.

Basic concept of mayo diet

Mayo diet or what is called mayo clinic diet is a long-term weight management program created by a team of weight loss experts at the Mayo Clinic. This mayo diet is designed to help improve your lifestyle by applying new, healthier habits. The goal is to make simple changes in food management programs that are accompanied by sports activities so that weight loss can be achieved in a healthy and pleasant way.

The mayo diet assumes that the energy coming out and entering in the body must be balanced so that you can gain weight that is not only ideal, but also healthy. So by doing a mayo diet, you are expected to improve your lifestyle by applying a balanced lifestyle. If done correctly, you can maintain healthy lifestyle habits in your life.

How to do a mayo diet

Many people consider setting food on a mayo diet simply by reducing high salt and fatty foods for 14 days. But in fact, there are other things that you should pay attention to doing a mayo diet, such as:

  • Vegetables, fruits and food sources of protein are the types of foods that must be included in the mayo diet.
  • Salt is binding on water in the body. That's why when you decide to do a mayo diet, then you have to limit salt intake. This is done so that the body can release more fluids so it can reduce your weight.
  • Limiting excess sugar intake to control blood sugar levels in the body.
  • Too much fat intake causes weight gain. This makes most mayo diet menus usually contain steamed or boiled foods.
  • The number of calories that must enter your body depends on your calorie needs. So you also have to balance the intake of food that enters the body with the physical activity that you do.

Can you go on a mayo diet while fasting?

Basically, fasting when a mayo diet can be done. Based on the dietary arrangements of the mayo diet, it is known that the mayo diet basically refers to limiting the number of calories and intake of foods containing salt, sugar, and fat which are balanced with sports activities. That's why fasting when a mayo diet can be done, provided you are able to run it.

In addition, by fasting during the mayo diet, you also indirectly apply a healthy lifestyle during fasting in the month of Ramadan. This of course will further open up your chances of being able to lose weight. However, you still have to make sure if fasting when the mayo diet does not interfere with your daily activities that make yourself weak due to lack of energy.

Remember, in addition to your food intake you also have to compensate for physical activity such as exercise. When exercise can be done during the fasting month, this depends on the condition of your body. Every person has a different body resistance.

There are some people who choose to exercise after breaking the fast when the body has received food intake, but there are also people who are able to exercise 30 minutes before breaking their fast because they are indeed able to exercise in those hours. You can do cardio like cycling, jogging, walking, or other light exercise that allows you to move.

Can You Have a Mayo Diet While Fasting?
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