Do not make thirst, eat salty food, it makes you add hungry


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Eating high carbohydrate foods such as rice, pasta, noodles, donuts, cakes and biscuits will make you easily hungry. But you know, it turns out salty food can also make you eat a lot? What is the cause?

Why is salty food even more hungry?

A study published in The Journal of Clinical Investigation looked at 20 male participants who work as astronauts in Russia. This researchdone to study the sodium (salt) balance in the body for the long term. The participating cosmonauts were asked to stay in a space flight simulation capsule room. They were then divided into two groups.

The first group was studied for 105 days and the other 205 days. Both are given identical food menus except the salt content.

During the study, the researchers changed the amount of salt in the diet of cosmonauts. Starting from a low sodium diet of around 2300 mg per day, the normal intake is around 3,500 mg per day, up to a peak of 4,800 mg per day. Although the salt levels vary, the caloric levels given remain the same.

As a result, increasing salt levels in the diet of cosmonauts resulted in increased hunger. They also drink less often.

A parallel study carried out by the same researcher was carried out again, but this time in mice. Researchers found that foods with higher sodium levels caused mice to eat more.

Increased salt levels have an effect on increasing the work of the metabolic system

In this study, it was proven that eating more salt did not make people thirsty.Salt triggers the kidney mechanism to hold water and produce urea - a process that consumes energy, causes hunger, is not thirsty.

But even though you don't drink enough water, your body actually produces more urine. So, where does that extra liquid come from if we don't even drink anything?

It turns out that humans have the ability to produce water by destroying their own fat tissue and muscles. This is what happens when you eat lots of salt. The level of glucocorticoid hormones in your body rises and this condition triggers the breakdown of fat and muscle tissue.

This process then leads to the release of water which helps water the excess sodium from your body. All this metabolic activity turns out to burn extra energy and calories, thus increasing your appetite and feeling hungry again.

Moreover, the facts show the average salty food is high in calories. As a result, eating too much salt can easily add more calorie intake than you need.

Eating salt is okay, as long as ...

Salt does not have a negative effect. Everyone needs salt intake for fluid balance and muscle and nerve function.

It's just that, if consumed in excess, it will certainly be a master weapon for the health of the body. Eating too much salty food is associated with hypertension, heart disease, and diabetes.

The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends maximum salt intake of no more than 2.3 grams (g) or 2,300 milligrams (mg) of sodium per day, or about 1 teaspoon.

Do not make thirst, eat salty food, it makes you add hungry
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