Drinking Milk, Better Before Or After Eating?


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Drinking milk is the best way to meet your body's daily needs for calcium. But, have you ever thought about when is the best time to drink milk? Is the milk better to drink before or after meals? Find out the answers in this article.

Health benefits of drinking milk

Milk contains various essential nutrients for the human body such as phosphorus, iodine, calcium, potassium, and calcium. Not only that, milk is also rich in vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin B12 and vitamin D. Now, this whole essential nutrient is very necessary to maintain various functions of body organs. Here are some health benefits of drinking milk:

  • Strengthens bones to prevent bone loss.
  • Good for heart health. Cow's milk is a potassium sumper that can help reduce blood pressure. Based on the results of the study, it is known that increasing potassium intake and reducing sodium intake can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Prevent colon cancer. Based on the results of research conducted by the National Cancer Institute (NCI), there is a positive relationship between higher calcium intake and a reduced risk of colon cancer. However, the researchers noted if the results of this study were not always consistent.
  • Prevent osteoarthritis. A study published in Arthitis Care & Research states that drinking milk regularly can prevent calcification of joints.
  • Maintain muscle mass. Milk is rich in high-quality protein and contains all the essential amino acids that are good for the formation of muscle mass.

When is the best time to drink milk?

Most people are used to drinking milk in the morning or before going to bed. But, actually there is no best time to drink milk. Because, you can consume milk at any time - morning, afternoon, evening, or night at night, as needed.

However, especially for children, avoid giving milk near mealtime. Reporting from Detik Health page, a medical nutrition expert from the University of Indonesia, Dr. dr. Saptawati Bardosono, MSc, said that giving milk before meals will make children become satiated quickly so that children actually become not appetite.

Ideally, whether for children or adults, drink it milk two hours before or after meals. In addition to avoiding the effects of satiety, this is also done so that the calcium content in milk can be absorbed perfectly.

Not everyone can drink cow's milk

Although milk offers a huge variety of health benefits, unfortunately not everyone can drink milk. Because, for some people sometimes milk has a negative impact on his body. Generally this occurs for those who experience lactose intolerance and cow's milk allergy.

Lactose intolerance and milk allergy are two different things. Milk allergy is when your immune system reacts to proteins in cow's milk. This condition is often found in infants and young children.While lactose intolerance is when you have difficulty digesting lactose, which is a natural sugar contained in milk, open because of the immune system.

If you experience both of these conditions, eating or drinking containing cow's milk products can cause stomach upset, bloating, cramps, and even diarrhea that can appear from mild to severe levels. To overcome this, You are advised to consume other sources of calcium that do not contain cow's milk and other cow's milk products. You can read the food or beverage packaging label before buying it.

But for those who have lactose intolerance and still want to consume milk, look for milk that has added lactase enzymes to it, low lactose milk, or lactose-free milk such as from vegetable sources (rice milk or bean milk)

Drinking Milk, Better Before Or After Eating?
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