Fat Blocker Supplements: Really Can Help Lose Weight?


Medical Video: All-Natural Weight-Loss Aids

Many ways you can do to lose weight. If you are obese and plan to lose weight, while you cannot hold your appetite or are lazy to exercise, one thing you might think about is taking a weight-loss supplement to quickly help you lose weight.

However, before using it, you should first consult with your doctor so as not to cause harmful side effects. One more, choose a brand that is trusted and registered with BPOM. There are many cases of weight-loss drugs that have claimed many victims, of course you don't want this to happen to you instead. So, you should be careful.

There are many types of weight loss supplements, but this time we will discuss about fat blocker supplements or fat barrier supplements.

What are fat blocker supplements?

Fat blockers generally contain chitosan, which is the same as dietary fiber, but comes from the exoskeleton of shellfish. Like fiber, they pass through the digestive tract without being digested, but absorb fat in the digestive tract to then be released through feces. Because there is fat in the stool, your stool may look greasy if you take this supplement.

Are fat blockers effective in losing weight?

Some studies show that fat blocker supplements are not effective in losing weight. This supplement does not really prevent the absorption of fat or only contributes a little in losing weight. The only healthy way to lose weight and maintain it is to adopt a healthy diet and exercise regularly.

What are the side effects that fat blockers can cause?

Although it may be useful for you to use fat blockers, it can certainly cause side effects. Fat blockers can cause problems in the digestive system, such as stomach cramps, gasps, increased bowel movements, and oily stools. This happens because the fat you consume is not digested in your digestive tract, but just passes through your body. If these side effects are excessive, you may need to reduce your fat consumption.

In addition, some fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamins A, D, E, and K, may also be undigested because fat blockers can reduce the body's ability to digest fat-soluble vitamins. If you use this supplement for a long period of time, you may be deficient in vitamins.

What ingredients are contained in fat blockers?

The workings of fat blocker supplements in an effort to reduce your weight is by preventing the body from absorbing fat. Although many ingredients or formulas are marketed as fat blocker supplements, only one specific fat blocker can work effectively. One of the ingredients contained in fat blocker supplements that are allowed and effective in losing weight is orlistat.

Orlistat works by inhibiting the lipase enzyme in the intestine which is responsible for breaking down fat to be absorbed by the body. By inhibiting the work of lipase, orlistat can inhibit the absorption of fat by the body, so that fat is not absorbed by the body and immediately released through the feces.

Orlistat can prevent up to 1/3 of the fat you eat. However, to lose weight and get the best results, you still have to apply a healthy diet and regular exercise, in addition to consuming orlistat.

When can orlistat be used?

Orlistat is usually only recommended for those of you who want to lose weight significantly through diet, exercise, or by changing your lifestyle.

Orlistat is usually prescribed by your doctor if you have:

  • Body Mass Index (BMI) * of 28 or more, and other conditions related to weight, such as high blood pressure or type 2 diabetes mellitus
  • BMI of 30 or more

*Note: to calculate your BMI, you can divide your body weight in kilograms with your height in meters squared (BB kg / TB m2)

Orlistat is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women. It is best to consult with your doctor before you consume orlistat, ask about the benefits, side effects, dosage, what kind of diet should you take, how long you should take it, and so on. Moreover, if you also suffer from high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes mellitus, or kidney disease, maybe your doctor will change the dose to adjust to other drugs you consume.


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Fat Blocker Supplements: Really Can Help Lose Weight?
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