Tips for Communicating Effectively with Boys and Girls


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Many parents who do not know that actually communicating with girls and boys need different tricks. In order for the message to be delivered to be well received and understood, parents must know how to communicate with boys and girls. Because, gender differences are not only limited to their physical appearance, but also their respective characteristics in communicating.

This difference is influenced by the structure of both brains. Research shows that male and female brains work differently.

Differences in the brains of men and women

A 1995 study from Yale University found that men use their right brain to speak, while women use both sides, namely the left and right sides. This finding was obtained after testing a group of participants to determine which part of the brain was used to compile words. Afterwards, researchers scanned their brains with MRI scans to detect changes in the blood flow to certain parts of the brain.

Female brain structure

The brain is divided into right and left. Both sides of the brain are connected by a bundle of nerve fibers called corpus callosum. The Corpus callosum allows both hemispheres to communicate and exchange information. Roger Groski, a neurologist from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) confirmed that the female brain has corpus callosum which is thicker than men. That is why, the number of nerve connections between the left and right brain of women is also 30% more than that of the male brain.

The large number of nerve fibers that cross from the left to the right side of the brain makes women more quickly deduce something than men. However, this is also accompanied by a larger size of the hippocampus than men. The hippocampus is a part of the brain that stores memory, which allows women to see one problem from various angles and process a lot of information faster. The female brain is designed to absorb information five times faster than men.

The left side of the brain is related to logical thinking and intuition. Women also have more "servings"gray matterin the hippocampus area. Gray matter affects girls' ability to absorb vocabulary, read, and write faster. Therefore, a woman can generally throw up to 20 thousand words per day - while men only have about 8 thousand words.

Male brain structure

The average volume of a male brain is 10 percent greater than that of a female brain. This is what makes men proven superior in completing visual-spatial tasks than women. One example is numeracy skills.

The male brain has more nerve connections from front to back, which can improve understanding of reason; thus making them more aware of what is happening around them. This is what makes men generally more alert to take action.

Because of the larger brain size, men have motor skills that are far stronger than women. This ability can be used for activities that require good coordination between hands and eyes, such as throwing a ball or hammering nails.

children socialize

Communicate with boys

Based on the explanation above, different brain structures affect how a man and woman communicate.Therefore parents need to understand how to communicate effectively in boys and girls.

Here are some tips parents can use to communicate with boys:

Get involved with children's activities

Boys don't like eye contact. To get around this, you can provoke it to open orvent with you through various physical activities that he likes. If you want your son to be more open about his problem, youmust involve themselves with activities, such as computer games, painting, sports, and others.

The male brain is not designed to do many things at one time. But because he is more aware of what is happening around him, he iswill not mind often stopping his activities for a moment to answer his mother's question. So, he will be able to talk openly while doing the activity.

Fishing children to tell stories

The male brain has the ability to separate and store information. So, usually boys or even adult men tend to keep all problems alone. Therefore, as a parent, lure your son to tell a story first. Share your experiences as a child when faced with problems and how you deal with them. You can also tell about the importance of the role of your parents in solving your problems as a child.

Don't beat around the bush

Simplify your sentence when talking to your son. Directly speaking at the heart of the problem can make it easier for your boy to digest the topic of conversation better than talking long-windedly and indirectly.

Let your boy manage his emotions

If your boy is being carried away by emotion, let him momentarily dissolve in it. This helps give him an important lesson that emotions are normal and not something to be afraid of.

If a boy cries, is upset, or angry,You can ask "Daddy see you're angry, what's wrong?" In this condition, you do not need to offer any solution, just be present and ask that you want to hear what they say. Don't let them dampen their anger alone.

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Communicate with girls

Listen to whatever is said

Girls tend to be easier to confide bluntly than boys. In fact, if just a little fishing is usually the girl will explain at length about the events she experienced at school today.

Your job as a parent is to be a good listener. Don't cut or interrupt the conversation when the child is talking coolly. Without realizing it, you also exemplify for him how to be a good listener.

If it's time for you to communicate with your child about achievements, problems, or other important things, the child will do the same because women tend to be more sensitive to the situation.

Speak from heart to heart

If you run out of ways to deal with your daughter who doesn't want to listen, the sign is that you need to speak heart-to-heart.

In the female brain, there are more nerve connections in the area associated with memory and social cognition. So it is not surprising that women tend to be better at remembering, understanding how others feel or empathizing, and knowing how to respond correctly in all social situations.

That is why if you have been reprimanding with emotions but have never succeeded, do the opposite. Approach your child slowly and talk from heart to heart. Speaking from heart to heart allows children to understand what you feel. Soft tone of voice tends to soften the child. In any case, the child's brain is designed in such a way as to be easier to accept tenderness than violence.

Look into your daughter's eyes when talking

Research shows that in face-to-face conversations, non-verbal signs affect 60-80 percent of the message's impact. While sound and words only affect about 20-30 percent. A woman's vision senses are able to analyze that information and her brain's ability to quickly combine and process verbal, visual, and other signs of information. Therefore, if you want to communicate with your daughter, look into her eyes.

Give a touch

Women are sentient beings. Touch also becomes a powerful way to calm girls who are in trouble or hit by sadness. Give a soft touch before you invite him to speak. Even research says to raise children with healthy mentality, hug them as often as possible.

Tips for Communicating Effectively with Boys and Girls
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