4 Causes of intestinal worms in children that are often not realized


Medical Video: Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Intestinal Worms In No Time

Worms are a disease caused by parasitic worms that breed in the human digestive system. This disease is one type of disease that commonly occurs both young and old. Even so, frequent worms are most common in children. But unfortunately, many mothers often underestimate this disease. In fact, worms in children can affect and hinder the growth of your child later, you know! Check out the causes of intestinal worms in children in this article.

What is worms?

Worms are a health disorder due to the presence of parasitic worms in the body. The causes of worms that are popular in Indonesia are tapeworms, pinworms, and hookworms. Usually worms can easily spread. Because children often play on the ground, that's why worms often stalk the little one.

Based on data from the Ministry of Health, the average prevalence of intestinal worms in Indonesia reaches more than 28% with different levels in each region. The high prevalence of intestinal worms in Indonesia is inseparable from the tropical climate which allows several types of worms to grow and develop.

Common symptoms of intestinal worms in children that usually occur are children who appear lethargic, lackluster, often drowsy, pale, malnourished, lack of appetite, and often complain of stomach ache. Even children who suffer from worm infections have a high risk of experiencing nutritional disorders, as well as developmental disorders. Symptoms of worms in children can be mild to severe. Generally the symptoms tend to be invisible. Because the worms will be difficult to detect if the number of worms that nest in the body is still small.

What are the causes of worms in children?

Here are some of the causes of worms in children that parents might not realize:

1. Contaminated food

Worms can multiply due to eggs that continue to hatch. There are times when the egg is present through food and water media. One food that can be contaminated with worm eggs is meat. At present, many food watchdogs carry out inspection into the meat market and then find mischievous sellers by selling beef contaminated with worms. That is why, you must be more observant in choosing foods that are served for your child to prevent being infected with intestinal worms.

2. Dirty fingers

Children love playing on the ground. Well busually the child will be easily infected with worms after playing dirty-dirt in wet and moist soil in which there are eggs or worms. Therefore, you must always keep an eye on your little one especially when they are playing, because one of the causes of worms in children is dirty fingers.

With dirty fingers that have not been washed, the worms and eggs can still be left on their fingers. Then, enter the mouth when the child eats. That is why, it is highly recommended to do regular cleaning of the child's hands, and then cut your child's nails at least once a week.

3. Poor cooking process

If cooking, then cook the food until cooked. Because, with food that is still relatively raw or undercooked, it's likely the worm isn't dead and can still reproduce freely. Also, before you decide to cook a food item, make sure you wash it very clean especially for the vegetables and meat category.

4. Not maintaining rectal hygiene

If the child is exposed to intestinal worms, especially pinworms, generally the symptoms caused are itching in the anal area that is very disturbing. Well if your child scratches his itchy anus, the worm's eggs will break and the larvae will later enter the rectum. When scratched, these eggs hide in the fingers and nails, some stick to the sheets, pillows or clothes. Through direct contact, worm eggs spread to other people. Then the worm cycle starts again.

That is why, in addition to maintaining the cleanliness of nails, you also have to help maintain the cleanliness of the little genital area by teaching children to clean their vital organs like the anus and vagina properly and correctly.

4 Causes of intestinal worms in children that are often not realized
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