Food Abstinence If the Number of White Blood Cells is Low


Medical Video: How I Increase My White Blood Count Naturally and Safely

If your doctor diagnoses you have a white blood cell count that is too low, there are some changes you need to make regarding the food menu. What needs to be in daily food, and which should be avoided or restricted? Check out the list below.

A glimpse of white blood cells

White blood cells, or in medical terms known as leukocytes, are important components of the human immune system. White blood cells are made in the bone marrow, found in the blood and lymphatic tissue. White blood cells play a role in helping the body fight infections and diseases.

Neutropenia and leukopenia are terms used to refer to a situation where the number of white blood cells is too low in the blood. When the number of white blood cells is too low, the risk of infection will be higher.

Low white blood cells are usually the most vulnerable experienced by people who are doing cancer treatment (chemotherapy) and have an immune system that is weak due to certain diseases.

Foods that must be avoided when white blood cells are low

Here are some foods you should avoid:

  • Unpasteurized dairy products. All unpasteurized dairy products, including yogurt, cheese, ice cream, and so on.
  • Avoid cereals, grains or other foods that are sold as raw foods.
  • Raw or briefly cooked foods such as fish, shellfish, smoked meat, sushi and sashimi.
  • Eat raw beans. Eat raw eggs or eggs that are not cooked until solid (the white part is still soft or not hardened).
  • Foods that may contain raw eggs such as caesar salad dressings, raw cake dough, hollandaise sauce, and homemade mayonnaise.
  • Avoid eating raw vegetables such as sprouts, turnips, broccoli or raw bean sprouts.
  • Drinks from unpasteurized fruits and vegetables.
  • Avoid dried tea. Tea must be cooked with boiling water using a standard tea bag that must be used.
  • Avoid consuming drinks that contain caffeine such as coffee and soft drinks.
  • Raw honey or honeycomb. Choose grade A honey that will be ready for sale or honey can be heated first.
  • Drink water directly from lakes, rivers or springs.
  • Drink water from a tap or an unclear source.

Good food is consumed when white blood cells are low

The following types of foods that you should consume:

  • Ripe meat. Make sure all meat or fish must be thoroughly cooked. Use a food thermometer to ensure that cooked meat reaches the right temperature.
  • If the tofu is cold, cut the dice-sized tofu or about one inch and boil five minutes in water before the tofu will be cooked with other food ingredients. This cooking process is not needed if you know using antiseptic packaging such as knowing the type of Mori-Nu silken.
  • Choose nuts whose seals are vacuumed, or peanut butter.
  • Cook the eggs until they are yellow so that the white part is solid and not runny.
  • Use pasteurized eggs.
  • Eat milk and dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and other pasteurized dairy products.
  • Bread, bagels, muffins, cereals, crackers, noodles, pasta, potatoes and rice are safe foods to consume while packed in clean and cooked until cooked.
  • Raw vegetables, fresh fruits and herbs include foods that are safe for consumption if washed under running water and rubbed with a special vegetable brush.
  • Drink drinking water that has packaging.
  • Pasteurized fruit drinks.
Food Abstinence If the Number of White Blood Cells is Low
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