Healthier Where, Drinking Honey Tea Or Regular Sugar?


Medical Video: Why Honey Is Healthier Than Sugar

Sweet tea is a million people's favorite drink. Whether it's cold or hot, everyone's tastes must be different. Including sweeteners used. There are people who drink sweet tea using plain white sugar, and some use honey because they are healthier. Now, which one is actually healthier used as a tea sweetener?

Plus minus drinking sweet tea using regular granulated sugar

drinking tea

Sugar is made from sugar cane extract. As a sweetener, white sugar is a high-calorie source of carbohydrates. High calorie intake can help the body produce energy for your activities.

However, the energy provided by sugar cannot last long. Because sugar is a simple carbohydrate whose glycemic value is highest among all carbohydrate foods. From a score range of 0-100, the IG value of sugar is 100. The higher the glycemic value of a food, the faster the food raises blood sugar. This increase in blood sugar is the main energy source for the body.

On the other hand, simple carbohydrates from sugar are very easily broken down so that blood sugar can also quickly drop dramatically shortly after eating. That's why you are very easy to feel weak and sleepy after eating sugar.

In the long run, an increase in blood sugar due to excessive sugar consumption can have a negative impact on health. Among them are making teeth to trigger diabetes and heart disease. Moreover, sugar does not contain any nutrients or nutrients.

Plus minus drinking sweet tea using honey

honey can be stale

Honey is a sweet liquid produced by bees from flower nectar. The main content of honey is natural water and sugar which is also contained in ordinary sugar, namely fructose and glucose.

But if it is dug deeper, honey is enriched by a number of important nutrients needed by the body. Starting from vitamin B, vitamin C, amino acids, a series of enzymes, minerals such as magnesium and potassium, to antioxidant flavonoids.

These various nutrients then bring out various benefits of honey for the health of the body. For example, fighting inflammation in the body, accelerating wound healing, relieving dry and itchy throat due to coughing, and minimizing the risk of food allergies.

If you want to sweeten the tea using honey, you should make sure to choose raw honey which is rather dark in color and thicker in texture. Raw honey generally contains more nutrients, enzymes, and antioxidants that can benefit the body.

Moreover, honey is a source of complex carbohydrates that are not easily broken down by the body so it does not raise blood sugar as fast as ordinary sugar. That is, honey can provide energy for a body that is more durable than granulated sugar. The glycemic value of honey is generally between 45-64.

On the other hand, the calories contained in honey are indeed higher than sugar. For comparison, one teaspoon of sugar contains 49 calories while one teaspoon of honey is around 64 calories.

So, which healthier one?

Before concluding which method of drinking tea is healthier, first understand that both honey and sugar remain the same source of carbohydrates. Within normal limits, adequate carbohydrate intake is not dangerous. The problem is when consumed in excess.

Whether it's sugar or honey, both are equally high in calories. Eating too much carbohydrates and calories in the long run can increase the risk of health problems such as excess weight, increased blood sugar levels, and the risk of various diseases.

Whatever your type of tea sweetener, the Ministry of Health through its Nutrition Needs Number guideline sheet has set the maximum sugar / sweetener intake for every Indonesian person is 50 grams of sugar, equivalent to 5-9 teaspoons per day.

While for total calories from food and beverages, the AKG Ministry of Health limits adult women aged 16-30 years to get around 2,250 calories per day, while adult men with the same age range need around 2,625-2,725 calories per day.

Therefore, whether you drink sweet tea using honey or regular sugar, you still need to be wise to adjust the portion of the dose so that it does not exceed the predetermined limit. That way, you can maintain health better.

Healthier Where, Drinking Honey Tea Or Regular Sugar?
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