Is Eating Chicken Every Day Healthy?


Medical Video: How much Chicken a Day is Healthy | What is the Safe Limit | info by Guru Mann

Chicken is the most consumed type of side dish. In each event, chickens are always included in the catering menu provided. In addition to the cheaper price compared to other types of meat, chicken is also large enough to be consumed in one meal. Therefore, many people choose chicken as a daily menu, although the way it is processed varies every day. However, is it really healthy to eat chicken every day?

Benefits of eating chicken

causes of uterine fibroids

Chicken is one of the good sources of fat for the body. Although it contains saturated fat, the amount is less than red meat such as beef or mutton. By eating chicken instead of other meat, you reduce your body's risk of heart disease by reducing the level of bad cholesterol.

In addition, chicken is a food source that is rich in amino acids. Amino acids or proteins are a source of body builders to build muscle. The protein in chicken also functions for various other chemical processes such as breaking poisons.

Eating chicken can also reduce your risk of getting cancer. Because the chicken is one of the good sources of selenium. Selenium is an antioxidant that also influences the performance of vitamins C and E in fighting free radicals, which is one of the causes of cancer.

Not only that, chicken also contains B6 which helps the process of metabolizing proteins and carbohydrates. Without vitamin B6, the immune system, metabolism, and central nervous system will not function properly. In fact, eating chicken also helps maintain the health of body cells and lowers cholesterol. This is because chicken contains vitamin B3 or niacin which is quite high.

Is it healthy to eat chicken every day?

Chicken meat is not yet cooked

Since eating chicken itself offers various health benefits, is it healthy to eat chicken every day? The answer depends. Depending on the type of chicken, how to cook, and which parts you eat.

Chicken will be a good source of nutrition provided you pay attention to these three factors. The first thing you need to consider is the type of chicken. Domestic chickens tend to experience the process of injecting hormones and antibiotics to make them stay healthy and grow artificially. Unfortunately, if you consume too much chicken injected with hormones this can disrupt the health of the reproductive system. Because the hormone injected in the form of steroids, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone is often not according to the rules. Taking it too much can disrupt the body's natural hormones and increase the risk of various diseases.

Meanwhile, free-range chickens tend to be released freely without injections. However, unlike domestic chickens that are fed clearly, free-range chicken can eat whatever it finds on the streets. So that this can be a threat to your health. It is best to consume organic chicken and probiotic chicken because the type of food and place of residence is well maintained so that the two chickens are healthier.

chicken breast

In addition to chicken types, another thing to consider is how to cook it. Chicken cooked by frying and consumed every day is certainly not good for the body. This increases the level of fat and bad cholesterol in the body which increases the risk of heart disease. It will be safer if you consume it by steaming, boiling, or baking.

Finally, the chicken parts consumed also determine whether or not to eat chicken every day. Chicken breast is a healthy part as long as you don't eat skin and fatty parts. Set aside the skin if chicken is your daily mandatory menu because this part contains very high fat.

However, it is best to vary side dishes with other types of food. Don't eat that stuff every day. The reason is, by eating the same food every day the body will get the nutrients that are just that too. While the body needs other nutrients outside contained in chickens to be able to carry out body functions properly, for example from fish high in omega-3 and vitamin B12.

Remember that everything that is excessive, even though it's healthy, is certainly not good. So just eating enough chicken is not necessary every day.

Is Eating Chicken Every Day Healthy?
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