Make It Fat, Eat Chocolate Can Reduce Weight. How come?


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Chocolate is one of the mortal enemies of people who are on a diet. Because, many people believe that chocolate can make fat because it contains high sugar. However, there are also those who believe that eating chocolate can actually make you lose weight faster. Is that right? Come on, find out through the following review.

He said, eating chocolate can make you lose weight. Is it true?

chocolate and intelligence

For those of you fans of chocolate but on a diet, of course try as hard as possible to stay away from this one favorite food. Yes, you may worry that this one food can make your diet program fail miserably.

In fact, chocolate has many benefits, you know. Besides making the mood to be happier, chocolate can also improve heart health and reduce blood pressure. Good news for those of you who are on a diet, chocolate can actually help you lose weight.

This was discovered by Will Clower, Ph.D., a neurologist who managed to publish the book Eat Chocolate, Lose Weight. He revealed that eating chocolate 20 minutes before and 5 minutes after lunch and dinner can reduce your appetite by 50 percent.

What is the connection between eating chocolate and weight loss?

side effects of eating chocolate for the stomach

During this time, chocolate is believed to be one of the sweet foods that can increase blood sugar and weight drastically. However, research actually proves the opposite.

Researchers from the Institute of Diet and Health in Meinz, Germany, tried to examine participants who carried out three types of diets, namely low-carbohydrate diets, low-carbohydrate diets as well as 425 grams of chocolate diets, and control groups who did not take any diet.

After three weeks of research, the results showed that participants on the chocolate diet lost 10 percent faster, than people who did a low-carbohydrate diet or a control group. In fact, participants who did the chocolate diet reported that they also got better sleep and their cholesterol levels tended to be more stable.

The way chocolate works in losing weight is not yet clearly known. One researcher named Johannes Bohannon suspected, this was caused by the content of flavonoids in cocoa beans, a kind of powerful antioxidant that proved effective in lowering bad cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Flavonoids in dark chocolate can inhibit the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates in the body. This means that the amount of fat and carbohydrate intake from food will be less absorbed by the digestive system. That way, there is not much fat in your body.

People who are used to eating dark chocolate will also be full faster. If you feel full before you eat the main meal, this can certainly prevent you from eating when the meal arrives.

The right way to eat chocolate to lose weight

chocolate for breakfast

In order to lose weight quickly, you are encouraged to eat one chocolate bar every day. However, consider the type of chocolate you choose and how to consume it.

This is the right way to eat chocolate that can make you lose weight.

1. Choose alias dark chocolatedark chocolate

Avoid white chocolate if you want to still be able to eat chocolate well even though you are on a diet. Because, white chocolate contains added sugar and milk which can actually make you fat faster.

Why should you choose dark chocolate? Black chocolate contains less sugar and monounsaturated fatty acids, and a bitter taste that makes you not appetite. As a result, you will be more able to control your meal if you have eaten chocolate before.

2. Eat one small piece of chocolate after dinner

The best time to eat chocolate during a diet is before and after eating. Remember, just consume one small piece of chocolate to keep your weight stable. This can help you fill up longer and avoid eating.

3. Make hot chocolate

Besides eating chocolate bars, you can also eat chocolate in the form of steeping hot chocolate that does not contain sugar. The trick, dissolve about 1.5 tablespoons of sugarless cocoa powder into a quarter cup of hot water.

You can add half a cup of fat-free milk and add a quarter cup of hot water. This hot chocolate concoction only gives you around 99 calories. So, you don't need to worry about losing weight after drinking hot chocolate.

Make It Fat, Eat Chocolate Can Reduce Weight. How come?
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