Revealing Myriad Benefits of Maca Root (Maca Root) for Health


Medical Video: 10 Amazing Maca Root Benefits for Men and Women

Macca has been known as a herbal plant thousands of years ago, especially in improving male and female sexual abilities. It turns out that not only that, the herbal plants that are used in their roots also have overall benefits on the body. What are the benefits of maca root (maca root) for health? Come on, find out the answer in the following review.

Benefits of maca root (maca root) for body health

Maca has the Latin name lepidium meyenii, shaped like a radish with green shoots and its roots are yellow, purple, or blackish. This plant grows a lot in the Andes Mountains in Peru, America. But many have processed this maca root in brown or liquid powder, making it easy to use.

Maca root is an herbal plant that has many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, such as glucosinolate and polyphenols. Therefore, this plant is also known as an adaptogen, which is the term an herbal plant that contains natural substances to help the body adapt to certain stresses or diseases.

Some of the benefits of maca root for health are:

1. Prevent the formation of free radicals

One of the benefits of maca root is increasing antioxidant levels in the body, such as glutathione and superoxide dismutase. Antioxidants are substances that the body needs to prevent the formation of free radicals, the causes of premature aging to cancer. Even polysaccharides (carbohydrates in the roots of maca) have been shown to prevent cell damage and fight chronic diseases.

A study in Czech animals found that maca doses in mice not only increased antioxidant levels but also lowered cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the liver and lowered blood sugar levels. Meanwhile, the use of extra leaves also shows protection against nerve damage.

Increasing antioxidants can indeed prevent the body from the risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, oxidative stress, and cell damage. But so far for the benefits of maca roots this time, further research is needed.

2. Increase the energy and performance of athletes

Maca root powder is very well known among athletes and bodybuilders. Because this supplement is believed to be able to increase energy, increase muscle tone and increase body performance. Quoted from Men's Health, Paul Salter, MS, RD, said, "Maca root is thought to have a positive effect to stabilize glucose levels in the blood. That is why many people who report experiencing an increase in energy after enjoying it. "

Although it is stimulant, maca root supplements do not contain caffeine. Therefore, it will not give a nervous or trembling effect like consuming caffeine.

So when the blood sugar in the body soars, the body will produce more insulin, so that it can cause a weakening effect on the body. But if the state of blood sugar is stable, you can maintain more consistent energy throughout the day.

Even so, there is still much research to be done to ascertain the potential of maca roots as energy boosters, but some evidence suggests that this might be a strong trigger.

3. Balancing estrogen levels

Estrogen is a sex hormone in women that is responsible for regulating the reproductive system. If the amount of this hormone is not normal, it will cause irregular menstrual cycles, change moods, and overcome women who have difficulty having children. Another benefit of maca root is that it helps balance estrogen levels in the body.

A study published on International Journal of Biomedical Science, 34 postmenopausal women consumed maca root in tablets twice a day for four months.

As a result, maca root not only balances hormone levels but also reduces menopausal symptoms, such as night sweats, reduces depression, and also increases bone density.

In addition, balanced estrogen levels also help improve reproductive health and fertility and reduce symptoms associated with polycystic ovary syndrome.

4. Increase male fertility

Besides balancing estrogen levels in women, maca root is also beneficial for male fertility as well. A study in Peru found that taking maca supplements for eight weeks increased sexual desire in men.

Other studies also show increased sperm quality and number associated with fertility in men. However, further research is still needed on this matter.

Although it has been widely known to benefit from maca root. Before taking maca root supplements, you should first consult your doctor, especially if you have certain conditions.

Revealing Myriad Benefits of Maca Root (Maca Root) for Health
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