Tips for Weight Loss and Prevent Disease in your 20s


Medical Video: Weight Loss - How I Lost 10 Pounds In My 20’s | Dr Mona Vand

The 20s were chosen as a productive prime age. At the age of two heads, you certainly are passionate about working and maintaining appearance while still young. So, do not let you arbitrarily choose a diet method that will only lead to health problems. You also have to take steps to prevent chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, liver function disorders, and cancer. The reason is, your current lifestyle determines your health condition in the future. Then where to start, huh? These are six important points that must be noted for the ideal body and prevent diseases in their 20s.

1. Increase consumption of whole wheat

Be careful when choosing carbohydrate sources such as white rice, bread, or sweet drinks. Because, excess carbohydrates can increase blood sugar levels and body fat. This risks causing diabetes and obesity. The safer source of carbohydrates is whole wheat. You can increase the consumption of whole wheat from eating whole-grain cereals, porridge oatmeal, brown rice, and wheat biscuits. You also remain energized throughout the day but do not need to worry about the risk of diabetes and obesity.

2. Choose low-fat milk derivatives

You in your 20s still need to consume milk derivative products. Calcium and minerals in milk are very useful for maintaining bone density and preventing osteoporosis. So, replace milk full cream You are with low-fat cow's milk, cedar cheese with feta cheese, and ice cream with yogurt.

3. Increase intake of low fat protein

In order to quickly lose weight or prevent illness in your 20s, that doesn't mean you can't eat well. You are actually advised to increase healthy protein intake. Sources of low fat healthy protein include fish, seafood, eggs, tofu, tempeh, nuts, and seeds.

Don't just eat junk food, beef or goat meat in excess. To reduce the consumption of empty fatty or nutritious foods, specify a special day where you can eat unhealthy foods, for example every 2nd, 12th and 20th.

4. Don't be fooled by lightning diets

The 20s are most vulnerable to being carried away by lightning diets. Keep in mind, the best diet is a gradual and time-consuming diet, not lightning. It's better to process it long but it's safe than instant but it's dangerous. Avoid taking diet pills, vomiting food, or not eating all day long. The body's metabolism will actually be chaotic and appetite becomes difficult to control. In addition, the side effects of lightning diets such as dehydration, loss of muscle mass, and malnutrition are also not comparable with the results.

5. More diligent exercise

In addition to maintaining a diet, the best way to diet and prevent illness in your 20s is to exercise regularly. Choose the type of sport that suits your needs. For example, aerobic exercise such as jogging to prevent heart disease. To prevent osteoporosis, biking can be your choice. While if you want to eradicate belly fat, try cardio training and lifting weights.

6. Get enough sleep

The 20s are usually filled with staying up late, sleeping late, and chasing deadlines. In fact, lack of sleep can make your appetite increase and you become more susceptible to diseases such as hypertension, respiratory problems, and depression. Too often staying up late can also blunt the brain and weaken memory. So, make sure you sleep 7-9 hours a day so you can reach your ideal weight and prevent illness in your 20s.

Tips for Weight Loss and Prevent Disease in your 20s
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