Watch Out! Acidic Foods Make the pH of the Body Also Acidic


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The food or drink you eat not only affects your nutritional status and weight, but can also cause the pH in your body to change. The normal pH value in the body is around 7.4, while for each food and drink it has its own pH. Then if eating foods or drinks that can change acidic pH and interfere with health?

Is that acidic pH?

pH is a measure that indicates whether something is acidic, basic, or neutral. Acidity is identified as pH 0 to 7, while bases are indicated by a pH value of more than 7 to 14. In the body, it is known that each part in the body has a different pH. For example, blood in the body of a healthy person has a pH value of 7.35 to 7.45 where the condition is included in an alkaline state. While the pH in the stomach is quite acidic, which is 3.5. This state of acid makes food easily digested and broken down into simpler substances.

What types of foods have acidic pH?

To maintain bodily functions, the pH in the body must be balanced and maintained. If there is a slight change in the pH value, this will affect the overall functioning of a person's body. Acidosis will occur when the body's pH changes to become too acidic, which may be affected by foods that have an acidic pH. Some examples of foods that have pH tend to be acid, namely:

  • Dairy products, such as cheese and butter
  • Various processed foods
  • Fresh meat and processed meat, such as corned beef
  • Soda and various sweet drinks
  • Foods that are high in protein and some types of supplements
  • Some types of fish
  • Sugar
  • Coffee and alcohol
  • Some types of citrus fruits have a fairly acidic pH of around 3 to 4

Then, what will happen if we eat too much acidic pH food?

The normal pH value of the body may be disrupted or will experience a slight change. Just a little change in pH occurs, so the impact caused is quite fatal. When the body becomes acidic, the central nervous system will experience depression and of course cause various health problems such as the risk of developing cancer, disorders of liver function, and various heart diseases.

Mild symptoms that may be caused by changes in pH are depression, headache, mood swings, sensitive gums, brittle nails and hair, and digestive system disorders. While changes in pH to below 7 can cause a person to coma or even die.

A study reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition involved 9,000 women who viewed their diet for 7 years. From the study, it was known that most of these women had a high risk of developing bone fragility due to consuming too much animal protein food, and consuming less vegetables which then caused chronic acidosis in the body.

How do you prevent the body from becoming acidic?

The opposite of acid is base. When the body is too acidic, what must be done is to make it return to normal pH, which is not acidic and also not alkaline. You can eat foods that tend to have alkaline pH, such as vegetables and fruit. Research conducted by researchers from the University of California, states that eating foods that tend to be alkaline like fruits and vegetables at least 3 servings a day can maintain the pH balance in the body. In addition, eating foods that have a pH that tends to be alkaline can also keep the body from losing muscle mass, and improve the ability to remember.

Food sources that have alkaline pH are:

  • Soybeans
  • Egg
  • Honey
  • Almost all types of vegetables
  • Almost all types of fruits, except fruits that have sour taste like oranges
  • Herbs and spices

The importance of balancing the body's pH

A change in pH of just 0.2 can cause death, because it is very important to maintain a pH balance. The pH of the body is affected by the food we eat and you can maintain that balance by consuming the right and balanced food source. Eating fruits and vegetables is one of the right ways to prevent acidosis. In addition, reduce food sources that contain high sugar, because it will cause various adverse effects on the body.


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Watch Out! Acidic Foods Make the pH of the Body Also Acidic
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