5 Children's Behavior that Often Causes Problems (Plus the Solution)


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Along with the development of children, there are various kinds of behavior that you must face. In fact, there are some common behavioral problems that have become a complaint for parents. Here are some problems and solutions that occur in children ranging from three years to preschool age.

1. Lying

There are three reasons why lying is done by children, namely to get attention, to avoid problems, and to look fine. There are three reasons why children lie. For example, to get attention or to avoid problems.

Some things that can be done to overcome a child who is lying is to help your child avoid situations where he feels he needs to lie. For example, if the child spills food and you ask the child, "Are you spilling this?", The child will feel threatened to be scolded so they prefer to lie. It's better to say, "The food is spilled, huh? Come on, we clean it. "

In addition, if the child does something wrong and then tells you, praise his honesty. This will send a message to your child that "if I'm honest you won't be angry or disappointed".

In leisure time, tell your child about stories or stories about the importance of honesty.

2. Most play gadget

Spending too much time in front of the screen gadget from an early age is a dangerous behavior. This habit can increase the risk of obesity, sleep problems, and make children become indifferent to their environment.

Make rules about usage gadget child. For example, do not use gadget when eating, before bed, how long in a day can play gadget, and so forth.

Parents should not let children play gadget more than two hours a day. Parents are also required to provide examples for not being dependent on gadget in front of the child.

In addition, to fill children's time, provide realistic ways to increase children's physical activity and reduce their sitting time. For example, give a joint exercise schedule every afternoon, or invite children to play outside, etc.

3. Often tantrums

To get something to be desired, the child will whine or take off the tantrum to change parents' minds. For parents, the key is consistent. If indeed the initial agreement is not, stick to the establishment. If children see their parents easy to be persuaded by whining, the child will often whine to ask for other things he wants.

4. Eating problems

There are children who are picky eating, some are always hungry and want to eat. To prevent shortages or excess eating because of this child's behavior, parents have an important role in giving understanding to children about diet.

In addition, it is important for parents to always serve healthy food with balanced portions and nutrition. If children are picky hobbies to eat, don't get used to obeying their wishes. You really have to be patient, but slowly the child's behavior can be changed.

Likewise with children who like to eat, do not use food as a weapon so that children obey or not whine again. Confirm to the child that he is eating enough.

5. Be rude

When the child has started to grow up, he will begin to show how to emit emotions. Be careful if your child is often rude. For example, hitting his brother and sister, slamming and throwing things, or talking curtly.

If the child exhibits abusive behavior, immediately notify him that his behavior is unacceptable and provide appropriate consequences. For example, if a child hits his sister, tell the child immediately (but don't shout) that violence and rude behavior are prohibited.

Then, you can have consequences, for example confiscating his favorite toy for a while.

5 Children's Behavior that Often Causes Problems (Plus the Solution)
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