5 Tips to Raise a Child to Be an Optimist


Medical Video: 5 Steps To Raising Optimistic Children

Having an optimistic outlook on life is not only useful to boost self-confidence. Optimism can make someone better prepared to face the salts of life and a challenging future. A number of studies have found that optimistic people will be far from feeling frustrated, not easily sick, able to build harmonious relationships, and live longer. That's why it's important for every parent to raise an optimistic child.

Research reports that optimistic children are more "immune" to the development of depression and various behavioral disorders in adulthood, such as antisocial attitudes and drug abuse.So, how can your little one grow up to be an optimistic child? You can do several ways in this article.

How do you raise your child to be an optimistic child?

Optimism is a character that can be formed from childhood. The reason is, children learn everything from imitating their parents' behavior. Therefore, the best and most effective way to foster optimism in children is by giving examples of real actions.

Here are some tips for your little one to grow up to be an optimistic child:

1. Listen to your child

The child's optimism and self-confidence can be trained with let him express what he feels and wants to express. You as a parent must listen without judgment. The reason is, children have strong feelings, but do not have words to express them.

The stories he uttered were also part of learning their thinking processes. They can just say, "I don't like Math!" Even though what they really want to say is "How can I be better at learning Mathematics better?" The task is for parents to find out what they want to express.

If your child feels upset about something, he will definitely see it as a negative thing. Ask him why he feels upset. You and your little one can find a solution by discussing together.The point is to focus on solving the problem, not on the difficulties that are being felt right now. Even children will learn to develop an optimistic attitude and find a way out of their parents.

2. Avoid giving "labels" or "stamp" to children

Conscious or not, children will try to meet or resist all the expectations of their parents. So whenever you say, "My second child is really shy!" And that is heard by him, then it will become a permanent identity in him.

Negative labeling in children can endanger a child's self-concept, and make parents face things they don't like in their children continuously. You must remember that every person is born different including the little one, he is definitely different from his sister or brother.

So, don't give a "label" to your little one as the child is lazy, shy, angry or whatever. This might only make it grow according to the label you gave. If this happens, he grows up to be a child who tends excuse me not being an optimistic child.

3. Try changing the negative things to be positive

Every child will have a different fear. You are not recommended to blame the fear, "Just like that, how come, afraid?" And other expressions that make your child more inferior.

Instead, you can help your child fight fear by, "You can certainly do a test today. Last night, right, I have studied with Mother. "Or," I'm sure you can, so you also have to be sure, ". This can help increase your child's confidence and optimism.

Ask further what is bothering him and make him uncomfortable going to school, and look for things he likes at school. Focus on that and help him deal with problems that make him reluctant to go to school. Make him an optimistic child by helping to solve his problems. Also find out if this is because people who bother him (bullying) in school.

4. Let the child find a way out

As parents, it's natural to always want to help children solve problems. But it's best, you need to involve your child in solving problems.

This can help improve your child's ability to solve problems, so they can be more confident and optimistic in facing problems or subsequent challenges.

5. Give responsibility to your child

You can try to give your child responsibility, such as asking them to clean up their bedroom. This will make your child feel responsible.

However, if they fail or make a mistake, you may not yell or scold him. Give them instructions on how to do it right, and give credit for the work they have done.

5 Tips to Raise a Child to Be an Optimist
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