5 Ways to Make ADHD Children Play More Enjoyable


Medical Video: How to Teach Children With ADHD

ADHD children often show difficulty concentrating, difficulty following directions, anxiety, and also acting impulsively. ADHD in children can make it difficult for them to participate in a number of activities that should be fun for their appropriate age.

Having ADHD does not mean your child cannot play with friends or participate in sports or extracurricular activities after school. But maybe, some other activity choices feel better for your child's condition. A child who has difficulty concentrating, for example, may feel overwhelmed when involved in team sports that are too excessive or hard. While children who are hyperactive or impulsive may not feel comfortable doing activities that have to wait a lot - hide and seek or monopoly, for example

Then, what can you do as a parent to provide play time that is fun for ADHD children?

Try active activities

Physical activity in general is very useful for filling spare time for ADHD children. For example, invite children to do aerobic exercise three to four times a week. Physical activity helps sharpen a child's focus, and increases his self-confidence.

Consider individual sports

A hyperactive ADHD child can be a vital member of a team in sports, but children who tend to be impulsive and lack focus may find it very difficult to engage in team sports.

Individual sports such as martial arts, wrestling, tennis and swimming are better choices of activity. When you will enroll your child for martial arts tutoring, avoid choosing a coach or class with students who shout a lot because this can be a nuisance for your child. Ask for a trial session or ask to observe the class before registering, to ensure that the volume and speed of teaching are appropriate for your child.

Don't force children if they don't succeed

If your child is small for a child his age, maybe he won't be so interested in joining the sport. But he might like indoor activities, such as scouts or extracurricular music. This activity makes the child focus all his attention when you may have to attend a parent meeting, and the child may be able to really pursue these activities throughout the year.

Pay attention to time

Many ADHD children whose emotional stability may be around three years late than their peers, so you might want to register your child at a younger age group for some activities if this is possible.

Also think about the schedule for using the drug, if it is part of your routine. Avoid registering your child in activities that are usually done before he takes his medication or when they should take medication.

Avoid chaotic situations

If you have children with ADHD, their social life can be difficult. The solution, include them in activities that many other children are doing, such as baseball or soccer. But you really need to be careful in choosing friends and activities that will help your child develop the skills he does.

ADHD children have the opportunity for better success if they can really focus on what they are doing. Unfortunately, a crowd of other children or loud volume can make it difficult to focus. Organize small groups that can be controlled by you if enough.

5 Ways to Make ADHD Children Play More Enjoyable
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