Why, Still, Women Become Frequent Farts When Pregnant?


Medical Video: Dr. Oz Explains Gas

Pregnancy is a thrilling moment for prospective mothers. You will experience various changes that must be faced starting from the first trimester of pregnancy, or since you were declared pregnant. Some of these changes might make you uncomfortable, even make you embarrassed and worried. One of them you often fart during pregnancy. So why did this happen?

The cause of women often farting during pregnancy

Frequent farting during pregnancy is a common problem. Usually pregnant women fart or exhaust gas about 18 times a day. This is because the average pregnant woman can produce up to 4 liters of gas every day. Then, why do pregnant women produce more gas during pregnancy?

It turns out that one of the main contributing factors is the increase in the levels of the hormone progesterone. The hormone progesterone causes the muscles throughout the body, including your intestinal muscles to become weak. The intestinal muscles that relax cause the digestive process to be blocked.

As a result, there is a buildup of gas. Well, this is what causes pregnant women to become more frequent farting, belching and stomach bloating. Not only that, weak body muscles also make it difficult for pregnant women to resist farting. So, don't be surprised if pregnant women often fart in front of other people.

Other causes of women often farting during pregnancy can also occur because of the influence of the uterus (uterus) which is getting bigger, thus putting pressure on the abdominal cavity. This pressure can slow down the digestive process, which in turn triggers gas buildup.

How do you not fart frequently during pregnancy?

Although fairly common, there are several ways you can do so that you don't get farted frequently in public places, namely:

1. Avoid gas-containing foods

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Some foods do indeed stimulate the digestive tract to expel wind. This is because the food contains gas, so the body will release it through farting. Some foods that can stimulate you to often fart include:

  • High gaseous vegetables, broccoli, cabbage, cabbage, cauliflower, turnips, and raw vegetables.
  • Fruits containing sorbitol, namely durian, jackfruit, apples, pears, and peaches. Apart from fruit, sorbitol can also be found in candy and gum.
  • Foods containing high starch, namely whole wheat.

2. Chew food slowly

prenatal food

Chewing your food slowly until it is completely crushed is one of the best ways to reduce farting. Fart can be caused because bacteria in the large intestine that work to break down food are not completely digested by enzymes in the stomach.

3. Other ways

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In addition to the two methods mentioned above, the American Pregnancy Association also recommends several other methods so that you do not often fart during pregnancy, namely:

  • Avoid soft drinks
  • Drink directly from the glass without using a straw
  • Eat a little but often
  • Expand light physical activities such as walking or yoga to prevent constipation and help stimulate digestion
  • Limit artificial sweeteners
  • Drink plenty of water to help prevent constipation during pregnancy

Important to note

Frequent farting during pregnancy is normal. Do not get because you want to avoid certain foods that can trigger farting, you are becoming deficient in important nutrition. Although there are some foods that need to be limited, the most important thing is to make sure you get adequate nutrition during pregnancy by consuming various types of food in a balanced manner.

If you suspect other causes that make you fart often, don't hesitate to consult a doctor.

Why, Still, Women Become Frequent Farts When Pregnant?
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