5 Wrong Myths About the Rules for Eating Disabled People This is a sponsored article. For complete information about our Advertiser and Sponsor Policies, please read here.


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Diabetes is one of various diseases that require special treatment. That is why, both sufferers or families of diabetics must be careful in applying the right diet.

Unfortunately, there are still quite a lot of myths circulating around diet for diabetes. Anything, huh? And how is the truth? See everything in the following review.

Various myths about diet for diabetes

1. "People with diabetes should avoid breakfast"

breakfast for diabetes

Fact: High blood sugar levels are not a reason for you to skip breakfast. Further said by Kelly O’Connor, RD of Mercy Medical Center, Baltimore, that starting the morning with breakfast is useful to provide optimal fuel for the smooth operation of the body.

When you don't have breakfast, there is no sugar intake to support the work of the body's cells so that the body will produce its own sugar from the sugar reserves in the body which ultimately results in too high blood sugar. In fact, research shows that not eating breakfast actually increases the risk of obesity and insulin resistance.

Therefore, try to have breakfast at the same time every day, in order to maintain a consistent amount of blood sugar. One alternative to a healthy breakfast is to avoid fried foods, high in fat, but choose high fiber and high protein.

2. "People with diabetes should not eat sweet"

diabetic sweet foods

People with diabetes do have to limit the consumption of sweet foods or other foods that contain sugar. However, that does not mean that people with diabetes may not eat sweet foods at all.

People with diabetes can still eat sweetly occasionally, but small portions and limit for example only once a week. Or if you want to eat sweet every day, choose sweet foods but contain other good nutrients, such as fruit, fruit has a sweet taste but high in fiber and other nutrients.

You can eat fruit every day, but you should also choose fruits that are low in the glycemic index, such as apples, grapes, oranges, or pear fruit. And always remember to pay attention to the portion, don't overdo it. In addition, you can use low-calorie sweeteners as an alternative to sugar.

3. "People with diabetes should not snack"

snack recipe

Fact: Maybe so far many people think that snacking can actually trigger an increase in blood sugar levels and weight. So, these two things are greatly avoided by diabetics. In fact, you can still snack even though you have been diagnosed with diabetes.

The key is to choose healthy snacks that are safe for diabetics so that they don't make blood sugar rise dramatically. One that you can try is snack bar with soy ingredients. Because, soybeans are not only rich in protein and fiber, but also have a low glycemic index (IG).

Foods with a low glycemic index such as soybeans contain sufficient amounts of fiber so that digestion is digested in the body. Finally, the rising blood sugar did not immediately jump sharply. Not only that, these foods with a low glycemic index can also make you full longer so as to prevent overeating when consumed before a big meal.

4. "People with diabetes cannot eat carbohydrates"

carbohydrate source

Fact: Carbohydrates are not always bad and dangerous for diabetics. Most importantly, you still take into account the amount and type of carbohydrates you consume. Because, not all carbohydrates should be avoided.

There are still carbohydrates with a low glycemic index, which is certainly good for diabetics, including soybeans, brown rice, oatmeal, and whole grains. Consuming these foods with the right portion can help keep your blood sugar levels stable.

5. "A healthy diet can cure diabetes"

eating patterns when fasting

Fact: Diabetes has yet to be cured. The right diet can not cure diabetes, but can help control blood sugar so that diabetes complications do not occur.

If you have diabetes, especially type two diabetes, the insulin produced in the body cannot function optimally to convert sugar from food, making energy for the work of cells in the body.

As a result, if you consume excess sugar, it will accumulate in the blood, which makes your blood sugar soar. The solution, adhere to dietary rules for diabetes, by eating healthy foods such as soy-based snack bars and limiting foods that can trigger an increase in excess blood sugar levels such as high-sugar drinks, cakes or too sweet snacks, etc.

5 Wrong Myths About the Rules for Eating Disabled People This is a sponsored article. For complete information about our Advertiser and Sponsor Policies, please read here.
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