8 Most Common Skin Problems Infected by Babies


Medical Video: At Home with Your Newborn | Skin Conditions

Babies are prone to skin problems because their skin is still very sensitive. So, what are the most common baby skin problems, and how do you deal with them? Consider the following review.

Skin problems in babies that often occur

Skin problems in infants are generally harmless and easily handled at home. The following are the most common skin problems in infants.

1. Diaper rash

overcome baby diaper rash

Diaper rash is the most common skin problem in infants. This condition is characterized by irritation of the shiny red skin and itching in the area of ​​the diaper-covered buttocks. The reason is because wet diapers or rarely change diapers. Friction between baby's skin and cloth diaper material can also cause a rash.

Diaper rash is not a serious condition, but do not let it go because it can develop into a fungal infection or bacterial infection.

How to overcome:

Use moisturizing creams or zinc-containing lotions to relieve skin rashes, and prevent further irritation.

Make sure you keep the baby's buttocks dry to prevent the diaper rash from reappearing. Leave your baby for a moment without using diapers after waking up.

Also, make sure the baby's diaper isn't too tight, but fits the baby's bottom.

2. Acne

source: NHS

Acne in infants usually appears on the cheeks, nose, or forehead within one month of the baby's birth. Baby acne can disappear by itself usually three to four months after its appearance. So, you don't need to worry because pimples only appear temporarily.

How to overcome:

Wash your baby's face with water and give a special moisturizer to deal with acne in infants. Avoid acne medications that are used for children or adults.

Also, don't try to pinch or break your baby's zits, because this will worsen the condition of the zit.

If acne continues to grow or does not disappear after three months, immediately visit your baby doctor, to get the right treatment.

3. Eczema

eczema in infants

Eczema includes the most common skin problems in infants. Eczema causes the baby's skin to become dry, red and itchy. Usually eczema appears on the baby's face, elbow, chest, or baby's arms.

These baby skin problems are common because of allergic reactions to soaps, lotions, or even detergents to wash your baby's clothes.

How to overcome:

Eczema in infants has no cure. However, it can generally be controlled properly and will often disappear after a few months or years. The most effective treatment is to prevent the skin from becoming dry and itchy, as well as avoiding the triggers that cause the condition to recur.

Use skin moisturizer for babies to reduce dry skin due to eczema in infants and keep baby's skin moist.

4. Dry skin

dry baby skin

Dry to scaly baby skin is a fairly common problem. Some babies can even get the skin peeling because it's too dry. There are many things that can cause dry baby skin. For example, the temperature of the environment is hot dry or even too cold, causing the skin to lose fluid.

The most frequent cause of dry baby skin is bathing or playing water for too long. Bath soap used can also be the cause of dry baby skin.

How to overcome:

Don't bathe the baby for too long.

After bathing the baby, you should make it a habit to apply moisturizer to the baby so that the moisture of the skin is maintained. Also make sure your child gets enough fluids.

Usually the dry whistle in the baby will disappear after a few days. However, if this condition disturbs or makes the baby uncomfortable, discuss it immediately with your baby doctor. The doctor will provide appropriate treatment for this condition.

5. Prickly heat

prickly heat in babies

Prickly heat causes the baby's skin to appear small red spots and itching. Usually, prickly heat in the baby appears on the skin area covered with clothes or skin folds, such as on the back, neck, thighs, and others.

How to overcome:

Prickly heat can be a sign that your baby is overheating. To overcome this, choose loose cotton material for your baby's clothes and avoid babies from the hot sun that makes it hot.

Don't use ointments or creams to be applied to the skin of babies who experience prickly heat. This will only make the prickly heat worse because the ointment and cream trap moisture on the skin. Alternatively, you can use a 0.5% hydrocortisone cream on the doctor's advice if the baby's sweat is severe.

6. Cradle cap

source: NHS

Cradle cap is a skin problem in babies that is characterized by a red rash on the scalp which changes into a dry, scaly yellow oily crust. This condition is also called seborrheic dermatitis, and is common in the first three months of the baby's age. Cradle cap can also occur on the face, ears and neck.

This condition is classified as safe, does not cause itching, and is not contagious. However, the presence of crust on the baby's head sometimes makes hair difficult to grow.

How to overcome:

Cradle cap can heal on its own in a few weeks to months. You can wash your hair and scalp gently using a special shampoo for babies.

7. Hives

source: NHS

Biduran is the cause of itchy skin which is characterized by the appearance of red bumps that widen, protrude, and spread on the skin. In medical language biduran is called urticaria. This condition can attack parts of the face, body, arms or legs.

Hives in infants usually occur as food allergic reactions, generally are eggs and milk. It could also be due to sweat rubbing against the skin.

Hives are not harmful, but make the baby feel uncomfortable during sleep or throughout the day.

How to overcome:

If your baby has chronic hives, immediately consult a doctor for further treatment. Your doctor may recommend a prescription for antihistamines to reduce symptoms.

8. Milia

source: NHS

About half of all newborns experience small white spots on the face called milia. This condition does not need to be treated because it will disappear on its own after several months.

If your baby's skin problems do not go away and persist for a long time so that you worry, immediately visit a doctor. Your doctor can find out the exact cause and find the right treatment according to your child's condition.

8 Most Common Skin Problems Infected by Babies
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