A Red Rash Appears Around a Child's Mouth, How to Overcome It?


Medical Video: Pediatric Answers : What to Do for a Rash on a Baby's Face & Chest

Every parent must understand well about the health condition of the child. Because the body of the child is still vulnerable to infection because of dirty hands, snacks at random, or often put fingers or objects into his mouth. One result is a red rash around the child's mouth.

According to the medical world, this is referred to as perioral dermatitis. So, how do you deal with the red rash around the child's mouth? Come on, find out through the following review.

What is perioral dermatitis?

Perioral dermatitis is one type of inflammation that most often appears around the mouth. Sometimes, perioral dermatitis is mistaken for eczema.

Judging from the symptoms, eczema looks like a red rash, dry skin, and triggers itching. Perioral dermatitis generally has the same characteristics, but the itching that is caused tends to trigger a burning sensation around the mouth.

The difference in eczema and perioral dermatitis can also be seen from the location of the appearance of the rash. Eczema can appear anywhere, both in the hands, feet, neck, chest and scalp. While perioral dermatitis appears more around the mouth and folds of skin around the child's nose.

What causes a red rash around the child's mouth?

The cause of perioral dermatitis is not known exactly. However, this happens a lot in children who have a habit of licking their lips. Because the mouth and saliva contain a lot of bacteria so that it can infect the area around his lips.

Apart from the habit of licking the lips, red rashes around the mouth can also occur due to steroid use, nasal sprays containing corticosteroids, or toothpastes that contain high fluorine.

Basically, the perioral dermatitis can disappear by itself without any treatment. However, this problem can reappear after weeks or even months after the red rash disappears.

Can you treat red rashes around the mouth with steroid creams?

The problem of the red rash that appears around the child's mouth cannot be underestimated. Because, this can trigger itching that makes children feel uncomfortable when on the move.

If you are accustomed to using steorid cream to treat this type of skin rash, stop using the cream immediately. According to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology (AOCD), steroid creams can make perioral dermatitis worse and never heal, as reported by Healthline.

When you choose not to use steroids, the red rash around your child's mouth will indeed look even worse. But without realizing it, the skin rash will gradually decrease and actually make your child feel better.

So, how do you deal with the red rash around the child's mouth?

If your child has a red rash around your mouth, immediately forget about all the types of creams that you normally use for your little one. Choose kid's face soap that is soft and does not contain fragrance until the red rash slowly diminishes. Also avoid using toothpaste that contains fluorine to help reduce symptoms.

After that, immediately bring your child to the doctor to get the right treatment. Your doctor may prescribe various types of drugs such as:

  • Oral antibiotics, for example azithromycin
  • Topical antibiotics, such as metronidazole and erythromycin
  • Topical cream: pimecrolimus or tacrolimus cream

However, some drugs used to treat perioral dermatitis can make a child's skin more sensitive to sunlight. Therefore, protect your child's skin from sun exposure for too long so that the red rash around his mouth does not get worse.

A Red Rash Appears Around a Child's Mouth, How to Overcome It?
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