Already Use the Time-Out Method, But Your Little One Is Playing. What is wrong?


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Discipline a child is certainly not easy for most parents. In fact, try to discipline your child using the method time-out far from "playing hands". However, it still didn't work. Instead, children even act more instead of being deterred for their mistakes. Why is that?

Why parents often fail when using methods time out?

Punishing a child by giving a punch is not the best way. Hitting a child and shouting at him will make the atmosphere worse and will have a negative impact on the child's growth.

Children who are often punished with blows tend to be more aggressive, have depression, feel anxious and depressed. That's a lot of parents who choose to discipline children with methods time-out. Actually, what is a method time out?

Time-out is a way of disciplining children with time for children to reflect on their mistakes so they don't do the same thing later. For example, telling a child to remain silent in a room when he makes a mistake.

But in practicing it, many parents don't succeed. According to a study from Oregon Health and Science University in Portland, 85 percent of parents made mistakes in applying the method time out as a way of disciplining children.

Parent error in disciplining children with methods time-out

Here are some parental errors in applying the method time-out to discipline children, such as:

1. Overuse of methods time-out

stubborn child

If you apply this method but it doesn't work, chances are you overuse this method to punish the child. You need to know that this method should not be used as often as possible because it will lose its effectiveness.

Consider using different disciplinary techniques for children. Make it time-out as a last resort to punish a child while overcoming your overwhelming anger.

2. Give attention when the time-out takes place

tantrum children benefit

When you discipline a child with a method time-out, it's natural for children to cry or whine to be forgiven. This is the way the child gets the heart of a disappointed or angry parent. Well, at this moment parents often melt so that the punishment becomes ineffective.

You shouldn't be shaken by that. So, let the child reflect on his mistakes for a while. In order to emphasize the child not to repeat the same mistakes if they do not want to be punished in the same way.

3. Use an inappropriate place during time-out

W seat position in children

Use an inappropriate place at the time time-out, it's often a parent's fault so time-out so it's not effective. When you punish the room, the child can spend time with toys in his room.

As a result, the method time-outnot a punitive technique but playing time for children. Make sure you look for a place that does not allow children to play, or take toys that are in their room. Make it time-out so it's a boring time for children so he regrets his actions.

4. Continue to advise him after the time-out

scolding parents

Sometimes many parents continue to give 'lectures' to children after punishing them. Providing firm advice after all, but limited to giving input to the child while showing your attention again.

If you keep giving lectures without stopping, the atmosphere will get worse. It's likely that the child doesn't like your attitude and doesn't listen to your words. So, after time-out finished, let it return to its normal activity again.

Already Use the Time-Out Method, But Your Little One Is Playing. What is wrong?
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