Are Your Teens Ready to Have a SIM and Bring Your Own Vehicle?


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Accidents of motor vehicles are one of the causes of death in adolescents. Sadly, even though accidents continue to occur, the number of underage drivers is even more. Just look, many elementary and middle school children have gone to school on motorbikes. In fact, the condition for children to take their own vehicle is already 17 years old while at the same time having a driver's license (SIM).

Well, to avoid these adverse events, parents must be observant to see the child's readiness in driving a vehicle. To be clearer, consider the following tips.

Children may bring their own vehicle, provided ...

Traffic accidents in Indonesia in 2016 have exceeded 80 thousand cases. Most are dominated by motorized vehicles with an average age of 15 to 19 years. This shows that adolescents who are still in junior high, high school, and college are very at risk of having an accident while driving a vehicle.

One of the driving conditions is 17 years old and has a SIM. However, that's not all. The role of parents is needed to see the child's readiness to drive a vehicle. If parents judge the child's readiness to drive only in terms of age, it is not enough. Because, despite the same age every child has different abilities and readiness.

Reporting from We Have Kids, there are several things that must be considered and understood by parents about whether the child is ready to bring his own vehicle or not. Here is the consideration.

1. Understanding the child's brain development

Research shows that deaths from accidents or injuries are 6 times more likely to occur in children aged 15 to 19 years compared with children aged 10 to 14 years. Why is that? Researchers agree that this is influenced by the development of an imperfect teenage brain. Their brain development has only reached 80 percent so that brain function is not fully maximal.

The rudimentary brain development is the reason that adolescents are still easily affected and cannot yet make decisions correctly and quickly. They are susceptible to doing things that are risky in driving, such as breaking through red lights or speeding. That is why regulations regarding age limits and driving test tests are made to determine whether a person is eligible to bring his own vehicle or not.

2. Showing maturity with a sense of responsibility

Most parents may not ask directly whether the child is ready to drive the vehicle or not. Parents may only see how skilled you are in carrying a vehicle. In fact, you also have to assess the readiness of your child's maturity and responsibility.

Even though it has passed the age of 17, it is not necessarily a child who shows an adult attitude. So, pay attention to how everyday children are when working on schoolwork, dividing time with activities carried out, and in choosing friends.

If the child has mastered this, it means the child can be given the responsibility to bring your own vehicle safely without breaking traffic rules or endangering anyone.

3. Knowledge of children in driving

So that children are more skilled at driving, practice is necessary. You must first give an example of how to drive a vehicle, whether car or motorcycle, well. For example:

  • Use safety equipment such as helmets, gloves and seat belts.
  • Not while eating, drinking, let alone playing cellphones while driving a vehicle.
  • Drive at a normal speed and according to the situation. When it's raining and the road is slippery, slow down the speed.
  • Not driving when drowsy or unhealthy body condition.

After the child understands this, give the child the opportunity to learn to drive. Exercise can be done on a road that is quiet. This is so that children do not get nervous while preventing children from crashing into other vehicles. During the practice, also learn the basic rules of driving as well as regulations on traffic signs.

As long as you accompany the child to practice, be sure to give instructions clearly and stay calm. By continuing to practice, it will be easier for children to take the driving test smoothly and get a SIM.

However, you need to pay attention if the child tends to be too active during a training session or shows symptoms that are not normally done. Reporting from Science Daily, a study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania of Nursing, showed that adolescents who have ADHD, behavioral disorders, and depression are at high risk of having an accident while driving. Children with such conditions are not recommended to bring their own vehicle.

Are Your Teens Ready to Have a SIM and Bring Your Own Vehicle?
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