Good News, Keeping Dogs Can Make Their Owners Longevity


Medical Video: 3 Tips To Make Your Dog Live Longer! How To Increase Your Dog's Lifespan.

Many people keep dogs because they like or love these animals. However, did you know that behind the pleasure of keeping dogs, there are distinct benefits for your health. It can even make you live longer. How can? A Swedish study discusses the relationship between raising dogs which is associated with a longer age. Consider the following review.

Can raising a dog make the owner live long?

This research was carried out by a team of experts at Uppsala University in Sweden. This study collected national data that recorded health information for residents aged 40-80 years and compared it with dog ownership data. They focused on 3.4 million people who did not have a history of heart problems in 2001 and followed the medical history of the study participants up to 12 years later, including when participants reported when to start raising dogs. Starting in 2001, Sweden indeed required its citizens to report to the government if they kept dogs. Every hospital visit is recorded in national data.

The results of the study were published in Scientific Report. This research successfully proved the positive impact of raising dogs. This study says that having a pet dog makes life longer. According to the study, it was mentioned that raising dogs can reduce the risk of death by 33 percent and reduce the risk of death caused by heart disease by 36 percent.

For those who are single or live alone, raising dogs can reduce the risk of heart attack by 11 percent. Meanwhile, for married couples, the risk of death from heart disease can also be reduced by up to 15 percent.

Based on these studies, it was found that people who maintain dogs have a lower risk of heart disease. Dogs are called to make their owners more physically active, increase social ties, and can change microbiome bacteria in the body of the owner. Microbiomes are a collection of microorganisms in the human intestine. Microbiomes in the human body can change because dogs change the environment in the house with their feces. Increasing the owner's social ties can reduce stress levels, which are a major cause of the increased risk of heart disease.

Therefore, people who maintain dogs have a greater chance of longevity and avoid heart disease. Because, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), heart disease is the number one killer in the world.

keep dogs

Longevity opportunities are greater in people who live alone

Researchers also say that dogs have a protective effect on people who live alone or are single. This protective effect is especially prominent for people who live alone, who have been found to have a higher risk of early death than those who live with others. People who live alone with a dog have a 33 percent reduced risk of death and an 11 percent reduced risk of heart disease, compared to people who live alone without dogs.

Dog owners also tend to be more active and do a lot of exercise. Generally, people who keep dogs will often take the dog for a walk outside the house and get a positive effect like exercise. This certainly will make the body become more healthy and fit, and can maintain your heart health.

Good News, Keeping Dogs Can Make Their Owners Longevity
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