Before Inviting Children to Dive in the Deep Sea (Scuba Diving), Parents Must Pay Attention to This


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If you are planning a family vacation but are bored with that choice of destination, why not try scuba diving? Enjoying the wealth of nature under the sea can be an unforgettable experience for your little one, who is also at once beneficial for health. However, is it enough for scuba diving children to rely solely on ability swim it? Is scuba diving safe for children?

Is scuba diving safe for children?

Scuba diving is safe for children, but not that simple. Diving in the deep sea is not a playful activity. Scuba diving requires special equipment rather than just swimming in a public swimming pool. For example, masks, frog legs, air tanks, and special diving clothes. Diving in the deep sea also requires special rules, procedures, and techniques that must be learned from a long time ago, so you can stay safe for long in the water. Because, wrong technique or just a little panic when diving, then the life of the threat.

According to PADI (Professional Association of Dive Instructors), children can get training and certification as junior divers when he is 10 years old. But in general various groups of professional divers agree that new diving schools can be attended by children over the age of 12. So to be able to dive in the sea together in small, you have to wait for him to pass the training first to prove he is able to control himself in the water.

Therefore, the ability to swim reliably is certainly not enough to be used as a benchmark for whether or not children should participate scuba diving. There are many things that you must pay attention to before inviting children to dive in the ocean freely. Some things that can be a sign of a child's readiness to dive include maturity, reason, and the presence or absence of physical limitations.

Risks that can occur if the child is scuba diving without proper preparation

The European Child Safety Alliance suggests that the ability to control emotions and the sharpness of analytical skills are two important factors that play a major role in child safety during diving. This is certainly not easy, even adults cannot do it.

Children tend to feel fear and panic easily, so even though they have received formal training, they understand the diving technique properly, and the equipment is in good condition, not impossible to become confusion so face the real situation under the sea. If this panic cannot be controlled, the risk is very fatal.

A survey found that cases of child deaths during diving were mostly caused by the formation of air emboli in the lungs. These health problems are known to occur because children cannot control their panic, making them difficult to breathe when diving.

Other risks that are prone to occur in children are hypothermia. In fact, children are more susceptible to changes in body temperature than adults. Even when swimming in even warm water, it is still at risk for hypothermia.

asthma may be diving

Things that must be considered when preparing a scuba diving child

There are a number of things that must be considered when preparing children for scuba diving, namely

  • Children under the age of 8 cannot join diving schools, let alone dive directly into the sea. The lungs of children under five are not fully mature. Many expert diver organizations recommend that a new child can join diving training when he is 12 years old.
  • The child must have a height of at least 150 cm and weigh 45 kg before starting to practice.
  • Children are not permitted to do scuba diving, if they experience certain diseases such as:
    • Asthma
    • Heart problems
    • Epilepsy
    • Hyperactive
    • Type 1 diabetes
  • Children also may not dive if they take some medicines such as:
    • Anti-depressant
    • Antihistamines and decongestants
    • Insulin
    • Drug for nerve stimulation
  • Children must be able and strong to jump off the board while carrying all their diving equipment (do not have kphysical limitations that can hinder its movement)

Scuba diving for children is actually safe if it is properly prepared and done when he is more than 12 years old. Preparing a scuba diving child, takes a short time. You have to make sure that your little one is really ready to do it, ready physically and mentally.

Before Inviting Children to Dive in the Deep Sea (Scuba Diving), Parents Must Pay Attention to This
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