Hidden Secrets Are Not Good For Health, you know!


Medical Video: DISTURBING SECRETS That KFC Doesn’t Want You To Know.

Everyone has a secret that must be kept tight. However, harboring secrets can have a negative impact on health. Yes, curhatto others it is better than having to keep a big secret by yourself. Why is that, huh?

What is the connection between keeping secrets with body health?

Almost everyone tells his secret to the closest person, but there may also be a secret that is buried himself. This is your right, whether to tell the secret or not.

It's just that a study conducted by Anita Kelly, a professor from the University of Notre Dame as reported by the Telegraph news agency, has revealed the effect of keeping secrets with body health. People who keep personal secrets are more vulnerable to stress.

Why so? Well, people who harbor secrets will usually try hard to avoid the things that are related to the secret. Although sometimes it is not realized, you can drain a lot of energy to think about how to not let go of talking or touching things related to the secret that you buried. You may also be often anxious when your secret is revealed.

Finally, anxiety, fear, and stress make stress easy to increase. This is certainly different from people who are more open and don't keep secrets. This stress then has a negative impact on overall body health.

body aches after stress

What are the effects on health if you keep a lot of secrets?

Stress is the body's natural reaction to situations that seem dangerous or threatening. When you feel anxious, scared, and depressed about the secret that you keep, a series of chemical reactions occur in your body. This reaction is the body's defense method so that you are not injured and can escape from danger (even though the actual danger is psychological, not physical). This is called fight or flight response,in Indonesian that is the opponent's response or run.

These conditions make the heart beat fast, breathing becomes faster, muscles tighten, and blood pressure increases. If this reaction occurs only a few times, it is certainly still normal. However, if you continue to be in this condition due to the stress of harboring a big secret, the body becomes difficult to carry out its functions normally.

Long-term severe stress can reduce the immune system, disrupt hormone balance, disrupt concentration, cause sleep disturbances, endanger heart health, and trigger digestive disorders.

However, back again that the stressors on everyone are different. It also depends on how big and heavy the secret you are. Although it indirectly causes stress, harboring secrets causes stress symptoms, such as feeling always worried and anxious if the secret is revealed.

the impact of stress

You can keep secrets, as long as ...

As long as you are not too distracted or burdened with the secrets that you keep, please just keep a deep secret. However, if you feel constantly depressed, consider also your mental and physical health. Telling the secret to someone you really trust may make you feel better.

The most important choose the person closest to you who can listen calmly, not offended by the secret, and not judge you. Your friends might be able to help you deal with these secrets and make you more comfortable.

If you feel doubtful, the best choice is to consult a therapist or psychologist on this matter. Especially if you already feel some symptoms of severe stress such as insomnia, appetite suddenly rising or falling, and digestive disorders.

Hidden Secrets Are Not Good For Health, you know!
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