Can Babies Drink Almond Milk?


Medical Video: How to Make Almond Milk

Almond milk is a common alternative to substituting cow's milk for adults. However, babies who are still developing have different nutritional needs. Generally, babies in this development period need breast milk (ASI). Or if your milk is not enough, you can also give formula milk. However, can almond milk be a good substitute for milk for babies? Can babies drink almond milk?

Can babies drink almond milk?

Almond milk is made from finely ground almonds and added with other ingredients such as water, thickener, sweetener, and vanilla flavor. Many producers also add nutrients, such as vitamin A, vitamin D, and calcium.

Some parents may give almond milk to children who are lactose intolerant or if they have to avoid milk for other reasons.

Toddlers can drink almond milk after him more than 12 months old, because the digestion has started to mature and is ready to accept various types of food. Your child can drink almond milk once or twice a day while still breastfeeding or other food foods.

Avoid giving too much almond milk because it makes excess fat intake and iron needs can be less. This condition can cause anemia in infants. To meet their needs, your baby still needs breast milk or formula milk.

Can almond milk replace formula or even breast milk?

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Almond milk can be a safe nutrient for toddlers to consume, but still nothing can match the nutrients in formula milk, let alone nutrients in breast milk.

This means you cannot use almond milk as a substitute for breast milk and formula milk. Because babies who are still in development need special vitamins and nutrients provided by breast milk or formula milk.

If you think your child is lactose intolerant, talk to your pediatrician immediately. The doctor will provide a solution for this.

However, usually lactose intolerance is more common in older children and adults, compared to infants and toddlers.

Tips for choosing almond milk for your little one

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If you choose almond milk as a complement to your toddler's diet, make sure that:

  • low sugar or not sweet milk
  • milk is enriched with calcium and vitamins A and D
  • babies consume other fats and proteins

Also, ask your pediatrician about additional ingredients in almond milk, such as flavorings and thickener.

It is also important to find out if your child has a peanut allergy. If he has a peanut allergy, you should avoid peanuts altogether and ask your pediatrician before giving the baby milk to the baby.

Are there risks when drinking almond milk?

Almond milk can be used as a substitute for healthy cow's milk, but it is not a good source of calcium unless enriched.

It is important for children and adolescents to get enough calcium, because bones need calcium until around the age of 30 years. Lack of calcium can cause low bone mass, osteoporosis, and fractures.

Therefore it is better to choose brands of milk fortified with calcium, and avoid brands that are given artificial sweeteners or other sweeteners. Also, make sure your toddler's diet contains many sources of protein.

Can Babies Drink Almond Milk?
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