Development of Babies at 24 weeks old?


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Development & Habits

How should my baby develop on week 24?

At this stage of the baby's 24-week development, the baby can see and listen to the surroundings, as well as adults.

Baby's communication skills are also growing rapidly, as evidenced by his scream, cheerful voices, and changes in the sound of the octave. His voice can show his attitude or response to things such as happiness, curiosity or even satisfaction in problem solving. In the development of this 24-week baby, it's possible that the baby can:

  • Trying to take toys that are far from reach
  • Try to get a toy that is out of reach
  • Pass the cube or other object from one hand to another
  • Look for objects that fall, scratch and pick up small objects using your hands (so don't put it close to the child)
  • Seeing and listening are almost the same as adults
  • Chattering, combining vowels and consonants into ga-ba, ba-ba-ba, ma-ma, da-da-da.

What should I do with my baby?

At this stage of the 24-week baby's development, you can encourage the baby to chat with the baby and play the word ("Goats make a sound" mbeee ", or the cat makes a sound" meooong ").

You can also listen to the baby say one word that you cannot understand what it means, respond warmly through a question like, "Yes, this is a car, yeah brother ...! What color? Raaahh "Baby will love to listen and listen to the story.

Health & Safety

What do I need to discuss with the doctor?

Most doctors will not take a medical this month. At the age of 5 months, you should prepare questions for examination next month, but do not be afraid to contact the doctor immediately if you have a problem that worries you that cannot be waited until the next visit.

What should I know?

There are a number of things you know at this stage of the baby's 24-week development:

At this stage of the baby's age development, Your doctor may recommend hepatitis B vaccine injections, tetanus, polio, whooping cough, and rotavirus.

The pneumococcal vaccine will help fight meningitis, pneumonia and ear infections due to bacteria, Hib vaccine against the bacterium Haemophilus influenzae type B (cause of meningitis, pneumonia, and epiglottitis due to bacteria), and the rotavirus vaccine against the virus that causes stomach flu. In influenza season, babies also need an influenza vaccine.

 How to help babies not be afraid of injections?

Ask your doctor or nurse whether it's better to leave the baby in the room than to put him on the table when injected. Stay calm and distract the baby by talking to him in gentle language. You can give milk bottles, teats, or breast milk immediately to calm crying babies. Some evidence suggests that breastfeeding when the baby gets an injection might help to relieve her crying.

However, this injection is not guaranteed to protect your baby completely. Some vaccines need to be given several times over a period of time to make sure the child becomes completely immune.

Children who are not given a vaccine are more at risk of getting the disease than children who are only once injected. Severe reactions that appear when vaccination is very rare.

So, the best thing is to provide a complete vaccine for babies. Monitor your child well after the injection and tell the doctor if there is a serious reaction in the child.

Food allergy

For children in families who have a history of allergies, the doctor will give a warning:

Postpone solid food

At present, experts believe that the potential for allergies will decrease. So, most doctors recommend delaying the weaning, especially if you or your partner or family member has an allergic gene.

Continue breastfeeding

Formula-fed children are more susceptible to allergies than breast milk children may because milk is the cause of a relatively common allergic reaction.

If you are breastfeeding, continue throughout the first year. You can also give pure soy milk, but please remember that there are a number of children who may be allergic to soybeans. For a number of children, a more dilute protein formula will be more suitable.

Offer a variety of solid foods in stages

If there are family members with a history of allergies, your baby should try it little by little. You must give new food to the baby for several weeks before continuing to the new type of food.

If the baby has symptoms such as dizziness, rash (including diaper rash), vomiting, sighing or runny nose, stop feeding immediately for at least a few weeks. You only need to give this food again if the baby's body can absorb it again without any danger.

Offer allergy-free food first

Rice is less likely to cause allergic reactions and is most often advised by experts as beginner food. Barley and oat are also hypoallergenic foods.

Fruits and vegetables rarely cause irritation to children, but many experts suggest that you do not feed berries and tomatoes, or shellfish, peas, and nuts. You should avoid food allergens such as peanuts, a number of spices and chocolate when a child is 3 years old.

Most allergies in children often disappear when they get bigger. So, even though the child is very sensitive to milk, wheat or other foods, keep patiently waiting for allergy symptoms to disappear in a few years and don't forget to always consult a doctor.

Hold the baby's back while holding it to be safe

At this stage of the baby's 24-week development, babies generally can sit alone. To be safe, please pair the safety strap on the baby's seat.

Do not make the baby sit too long, because this possibility can make muscles become painful. There are some happy babies and are raised high from the chair while others feel unhappy with this unstable chair.

To find out if the child matches a chair like this, let the child try the back seat when you try the sample. If at the age of the development of the baby 24 weeks you are still using a baby sling cloth, always make sure the baby remains well tied.

You should also know that this position allows the baby to do many things behind you rather than just looking around, including picking cans from the shelf in the supermarket, dropping flower vases at the gift shop, collecting leaves from bushes and trees in the garden. It's good to hold and refute your baby's back using your hands to be safe.


What should I pay attention to?

Below are a few things you should pay attention to at this stage of the 24-week baby's development:

Teach babies how to use cups

At this stage of the 24-week baby's development, you can teach the baby how to use the cup to provide many benefits. First, he will learn that there are many drinks and ways to drink other than breast milk or bottled milk.

Knowing how to use a cup, they will easily stop drinking ASI or bottled milk. In addition, the use of cups also helps children drink water, juice or milk more easily and you don't need to add milk or bottle milk. Use these tips to help children:

  • Wait until the baby can sit with a rebuttal. This helps reduce the risk of choking or obstructing breathing.
  • Choose the right cup. Every child may have a favorite cup. You should try using different types of cups until you find the cup he likes the most. Some kids like to have one or two cup handles, others prefer without handles.
  • Choose a safe cup. When holding a cup, the child may throw it on the floor and lose patience by slamming the table. So make sure to use a hardened cup. A heavy cup at the bottom won't fall easily. Paper or plastic cups, even those that cannot be broken, will not help train the baby because it is easy to tear or crack.
  • Don't be too protective. Babies will only learn if you let them make mistakes. Teach your baby to drink a cup might create chaos. Sometimes, water will spill to wet your baby's chin or stomach. No problem. Babies will gradually become more skilled. You can help him by wearing a waterproof baby apron. If you are carrying a baby, you can use a square towel or waterproof apron to reduce clutter.
  • Create comfort. Make sure the baby is comfortable in your lap, on the baby's dining chair.
  • Give the baby a suitable drink. The easiest and cleanest way is with water. Once he can drink water with a cup, you can replace it with breast milk or formula (don't give milk when a baby is a year old) or runny fruit juice. Take advantage of water, depending on the taste of the baby: some babies prefer to drink a glass of juice rather than milk while others prefer milk.
  • Use techniques. Just pour a little liquid in the cup. Hold the glass in the baby's mouth and slowly put a few drops into his mouth. Take a cup to give your baby the chance to swallow without choking. Stop if the baby feels enough to turn around, take the cup, or start making trouble. Even with these tips, you can still see the remaining liquid from the baby's mouth. Remember to repeat it several times, keep patient, persistent and trying, and you will succeed.
  • Encourage children to participate. He might try to take a cup from your hand with the thought "I can drink it myself." Let the baby try. Some babies can use glass at an early age. Don't be disappointed if the baby spills all the contents, because this is part of the learning process.
  • Don't force the baby. At the age of 24 weeks of development, if the baby still refuses to use the cup after several tries and even after you try different liquids and cup types, do not force the baby to drink with a cup. Place the cup on a shelf for several weeks. When you want to try again, you can use the cup with a little excessive action ("Look at the deck, Mom have anything?"). This can make the baby more happy. Or you can leave an empty cup for the baby to see, like a toy when you wait to try again.
Development of Babies at 24 weeks old?
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