Development of Infants at 48 Weeks


Medical Video: Pregnancy week by week- Fetal development Week 1 to 40 in mother's womb

Development of 48-week-old babies

What should be the development of a baby in week 48?

If the baby is unable to walk, the baby may take the first step on his own soon. If not, don't worry. Some normal babies are aged 16-17 months before starting to walk.

In the last week of the 12th month, babies can:

  • Stand alone well
  • Goes well
  • Can express his wishes besides crying
  • Playing ball (rolling the ball back to you)
  • Drink with your own glass
  • Use childish language (even if it is an unclear foreign language)
  • Respond to a one-step command without movement ("Give it to me" without us needing to reach out)
  • Say three or more words other than "mama" or "chest"

As always, make sure the baby is in a safe environment to practice his new skills. Follow standard guidelines on how to protect children and never leave children alone. And always prepare the camera. There is nothing happier than seeing your baby begin to step for the first time.

You can push him to walk by standing or kneeling before him and holding his hand. Or hold both hands and walk with him. The baby will learn to walk with his arms on his side and his elbows bent, his legs sticking out, his stomach in front and buttocks protruding to maintain balance.

Health for babies aged 48 weeks

What do I need to discuss with the doctor on week 48?

Most doctors don't check babies this month because babies at this age are not happy to be held during a visit. Babies who are afraid of strangers may also dislike doctors, including those who are warm and friendly. Contact your doctor if there is an emergency problem that cannot be waited until the next visit.

Caring for 48-week-old babies

You should begin to detect symptoms of chickenpox. Be aware of red spots, especially if you know your child has been exposed to another child who has chickenpox. It takes 10-21 days after exposure to the virus until finally symptoms appear.

Symptoms of chickenpox

You will see a small, red itchy lump that develops into a pink, fluid-filled lump, then it becomes dry brown, first from the body and scalp, and then spreads to the face, arms and legs. Babies may also look very tired, not hungry, and have a low fever.

What should be done if the baby has chickenpox?

You can consult a doctor. To avoid infection and scars, help prevent by cutting baby nails and not allowing them to scratch or squeeze the wound.

Some parents wear cotton gloves on babies. You can relieve itching by bathing the baby with cool water mixed with baking soda or oatmeal and applying calamine lotion. Treat fever with paracetamol, but don't use aspirin. Let the doctor know if the symptoms appear to be worsening. These worsening symptoms include:

  • Many spots
  • Pain in the mouth or eyes
  • Baby fever for several days
  • The skin is swollen, softened, or very red

Click the following link to find out more about how to treat childhood chicken pox.

Which must be considered

What do you need to watch out for when your baby is 48 weeks old?

In the last week of the 12th month, you might be worried about a number of things. One of them is sucking pacifiers. You may feel that making a baby apart from what he likes is a cruel act, but experts say that it's time to start keeping him away from the dot.

There are two reasons to stop using pacifiers. First, the longer the baby sucks on the pacifier, the harder it is to stop it. However, another reason is the start of the development phase of speech. Babies may be more reluctant to chatter if they have something in their mouth all the time. Taking a pacifier can be a hassle. Do it slowly: Limit use during the day and try not to use the baby at night. You can also try replacing dot with stuffed animals or toys.

How is the baby developing the next month?

Development of Infants at 48 Weeks
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