Do Not Want Children Wasteful When Big Later? Come, Practice Saving Early!


Medical Video: A Simple Trick on How to Save Up A Lot of Money Fast

Teaching children to save early is important for every parent. By introducing it to money and teaching it to save since childhood, it is expected that when he grows up he can be wise when using the money he has. It's not easy to introduce your child to money and the concept of saving. Parental creativity is needed so that your child is interested in doing it. So, what can parents do to teach children to save early?

Tips to teach children to save from an early age

Maybe some parents are confused, when should they start teaching their little one to save money and introduce it to money. Most parents do not do so since children are small because they think that teaching something like this is not necessary. In fact, if you can teach it early, it will be easier for children to manage their money when they are adults.

Teaching children to save, of course, takes a long time even until he grows up. However, you can actually start teaching him to save since he was 4-5 years old. During this period, your child can be invited to discuss and can understand what you are saying. So, here are tips for teaching children to save from an early age:

1. First, give your child an understanding of the concept of money

In the beginning, it was difficult to introduce your child with money. However, they really understand how you explain slowly and simply. For example, when he wants to buy a toy, you can explain it simply if the toy they want is not free. To get it, you have to work first, have money, and finally be able to buy toys that your little one wants.

From this, you can also teach them about which items are desires or needs. For example, when they whine asking for toys, you can teach them that it's better to buy school supplies. Or, teach your child to buy something that is useful to him until he grows up rather than buying a toy.

Of course, this concept will not be immediately understood by your child, so you must communicate frequently with your child.

2. Provide a cute and interesting piggy bank

Provide a piggy bank with various funny shapes to make it interested in saving money. Then, your next task is to explain what saving is, what is important, and how. You can explain from the most basic things, such as saving can make him buy the items he wants. Or, when he just bought something he wanted, make it a habit to keep the change in the piggy bank.

You can also motivate him by giving him a gift or adding the savings he has if he can save every day. To make him happy, in a few months later you can also calculate the 'results' saved so far.

3. Separate piggy banks for various needs

Separate the piggy bank for future savings and the savings he will use to buy the items he wants. Indeed, this stage cannot be taught when you first get used to saving.

However, when he is getting used to it, you can apply this. Distinguishing which savings used to buy an item with future savings is important. This can familiarize himself with dividing the money he has wisely.

4. Save while playing

The easiest thing to do is to play a game that makes it learn about managing money, for example monopoly. This game may only be done when your child has entered elementary school. By playing a monopoly that requires paying 'tax' or buying a house, you can while teaching him good money management.

Do Not Want Children Wasteful When Big Later? Come, Practice Saving Early!
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