Guide to Caring for Premature Babies at Home


Medical Video: How to Kangaroo Care with your baby

Premature babies are babies born before the mother's womb reaches 37 weeks. Because it was born in a month that is not even, so that when born a premature baby needs special care. Premature babies also have a higher risk of health problems than babies born normal (even months). So, caring for premature babies properly needs to be done, even after the baby is allowed to be brought home.

Caring for premature babies needs extra attention

Premature babies usually have a smaller body size than normal babies. At the first time after birth, your premature baby does have less body fat, so you need to maintain body heat so the baby is not cold.

In addition, premature babies may only cry in a voice that is not too loud. He can also experience difficulty breathing and also experience jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes), low blood sugar, and lack of red blood cells to carry oxygen to the baby's tissues (anemia). Premature babies are also more likely to experience infection. Plus, feeding a premature baby may be more difficult than a normal baby.

Therefore, you as a parent must pay more attention to premature babies. There are special challenges that you must go through in treating premature babies so that your baby's health is maintained. Besides health, you also have to pay attention to premature baby growth. Why? Because premature babies are more at risk of experiencing delays in growth and development, as well as learning disabilities.

Tips for caring for premature babies at home

The following are some of the things you should pay attention to in treating your premature baby:

1. Kangaroo method for premature babies

Continuing to do the kangaroo method at home is needed by premature babies. The kangaroo method is beneficial in maintaining the baby's body heat, improving the baby's health, encouraging the baby to suckle well, and also can increase the bond between parents and baby. Not only mothers can do the kangaroo method, but they can.

2. Breastfeeding a premature baby

This is very important. In addition to containing nutrients needed in baby's growth, breast milk also contains important antibodies needed to protect babies from infection. Even though you may have difficulty breastfeeding a premature baby, don't give up to give your baby breast milk. If the baby has difficulty reaching your nipples, you can give milk that is placed in a special bottle for premature babies.

You can pump breast milk immediately after birth to push the milk out smoothly. You may need to pump breast milk at least 6-8 times per day. If you feel that milk is hard to get out, don't worry because this is common. All you need to do is try to keep going and instill positive things in your mind.

3. Prevent babies from infection

The immune system of a premature baby may be weaker than a baby born even months, so premature babies are more susceptible to infection. It is important for you to avoid the baby from the source of infection, by washing your hands before handling the baby, asking everyone who wants to hold your baby to do the same thing, and clean toys and baby's room regularly. Babies also need to be immunized to strengthen their immune systems.

4. Sleep needs of premature babies

Sleep is a basic need for babies. Good sleep can improve the health of premature babies. Premature babies may spend more sleep than normal babies, but in a shorter period. It's best to place the baby in a supine position while sleeping. This aims to reduce the risk of sudden death of the baby (SIDS). If your baby's neck muscles feel strong enough after a few months after birth, you can put the baby on his stomach when he wakes up. This can help the baby to support his own head naturally.

5. Monitor growth and development

After the baby returns home, it is important for you to keep control of the baby's growth and development. You need to take the baby to the doctor again a few days / weeks after the baby returns home. Your doctor can assess your baby's growth from the baby's weight and assess the extent of the baby's development from whatever the baby can do. Your doctor may also see the development of your baby's vision and hearing. This is important because premature babies are more at risk of experiencing impaired vision and hearing.

You can also consult with your doctor about what difficulties you have found in caring for your baby, such as difficulty breastfeeding for example. Your doctor may also provide some vitamins and iron that your baby needs to support their growth. And, provide immunization to increase the baby's immunity.

Guide to Caring for Premature Babies at Home
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