How High and Normal Weight for Children Aged 13-17 Years?



Once the child has reached adolescence, his growth and development sometimes gets ruled out. In fact, child growth continues to occur in the age range of 13-17 years, especially for boys. At this age, boys usually enter puberty. As for girls, puberty is almost finished at this age. Then, how tall and heavy is normal for children aged 13-17 years?

Why is it important to monitor the growth of children aged 13-17 years?

Ages 13-17 years are no less important than before. This is adolescence where a person experiences a lot of growth and development. Adolescence is a period of transition from childhood to adulthood. Teenagers need to be monitored because there are many physical, behavioral, cognitive, and emotional developments.

At this age, the growth of children running back quickly will even reach its peak. Where the height and weight of the child goes very fast. You as a parent may not be aware, your child is already higher and may even exceed your current height.

Girls may have experienced puberty at this time, maybe even almost done. Compared to boys, he just wants to enter puberty around the age of 14 years. Girls generally will experience a peak period of growth in height about two years earlier than men. Usually, before a girl experiences menarche (first menstruation). So, do not be surprised if at this time girls are taller than boys. But, at an older age, a boy's height can overtake a girl, even higher.

At puberty there is also a spike in weight. So, maybe a girl feels insecure with her large body shape. But, taking a diet to lose weight at this time is actually not recommended. A weight loss diet can interfere with the growth that occurs at this age.

Weight gain occurs as a result of increased muscle development in boys and body fat in girls. This is an important part of the child's growth process.

What is the normal height and weight of children aged 13-17 years?

Ideally, the height and weight of children aged 13-17 years are as shown in the table below, according to the CDC growth curve.

However, not necessarily children who do not have normal height and weight as above do not have normal nutritional status. To find out whether your child's nutritional status is normal or not, you can find out by calculating the child's Body Mass Index (BMI) first. Calculate BMI with the formula below:

After calculating a BMI, see if your child's BMI is still in the normal range according to the following table. If a child's BMI exceeds the number below this means that the child is overweight, and if it means less the child has a thin body.

How to increase the height of children aged 13-17 years

You could say adolescence is the last opportunity for children to improve their height. At this time, peak height growth occurs and then stops. The child will reach his adult height. For that, you should maximize this opportunity. Some things that children can do to maximize their height growth are:

  • Sufficient nutritional needs. Yes, nutrition greatly affects a child's growth, including his height. For this reason, enough nutritional needs, especially calcium and vitamin D to help grow height.
  • Regular exercise. Exercise can also help maximize the growth of a child's height. When exercising, growth hormones are released by the body and bones are used. So, this can encourage bones to grow longer.
  • Get enough sleep. During sleep, growth hormones are also released by the body, even in significant amounts. Therefore, you should try to get enough sleep at this time.
How High and Normal Weight for Children Aged 13-17 Years?
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