How to educate children so they don't pick food


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Toddlers are usually difficult to eat and seem to be picking food or commonly called a childpicky eater. He will eat if he likes the food, and doesn't eat it if he doesn't like it. This is the most common problem in many toddlers.

Toddler is a period where he is exploring various things in his environment. Included in the food he ate, he had to recognize it first and then be familiar with the food, then he would like it. If the food feels strange on his tongue, the child will not like it.

What causes a child to become a personpicky eater?

Eating solid food is new for toddlers. It takes time to get used to the texture, color, and taste of various foods. Giving them a variety of foods every day can help children get to know various types of food and make children's food choices become wider. Giving him food that alone can narrow the selection of children's food. He tends to choose and like the food he normally eats. Therefore, it's a good idea to always introduce new foods at an early age to prevent children from choosing food or picky eating.

Changes in toddler's nutritional needs may make children want to try new foods. Of those who are less interested in new foods and only eat in small portions, they become interested in food and eat more portions.

How to make children notpicky eater?

This may be a business that requires patience. There are times when the child does not like the food that you serve, even though he has never tried it, it can be due to the color or shape that is not familiar to the child's eyes. However, mothers need patience to continue to provide it until the child wants to try it a little. From that little, the child then recognizes the taste and is then familiar with the food, then maybe he likes it instead.

Mothers must patiently introduce new foods to children. This is common, children will not try new foods until the mother offers them many times. At least 8-12 times you offer a new type of food for children so that children want to try it and then accept it. By always providing new food for children, the selection of children's food is far wider and can prevent children from becomingpicky eater.

You should start introducing various types of food when he can eat solid food. Introducing nutritious food to children as early as possible can help familiarize children to always eat healthy food and this habit will be brought to adulthood. Toddlers are the right time to teach your child to try new foods, before he feels he is starting to be regulated and starts being able to refuse food. The first six years of life are the child's time to shape their food choices and eating habits. When he grew up, he was better able to make his own food choices.

Tips for introducing new foods to children

In order for children's nutritional needs to be met for growth and development, children must eat a variety of foods in order to obtain various nutrients needed by the body. In order for children to like various types of food, you as a parent need to introduce children to various types of food. The following are tips for introducing new foods to children.

  • Let the child touch the food. Allowing children to choose their own food helps children to develop a sense of control. That way, you give your child the opportunity to recognize the food he ate from the beginning.
  • Don't force children to try new foods. We recommend that you offer new food to the child by asking him to try one bite, but not to force the child. Forcing children to eat certain foods will actually make children not like the food. Bad, this might cause a debate between mother and child so that the atmosphere when eating together is uncomfortable for the child. Create a pleasant atmosphere while eating, this helps maintain a child's appetite.
  • Provide a variety of nutritious foods, and allow the child to choose what and how much food he will eat. The habit of eating and choosing food for children is strongly influenced by the people around him, especially by parents. The influence of parents on the selection of children's food occurs because parents control the availability of food at home, determine how and when food is served, and build good behavior towards food. Therefore, try to always provide a variety of nutritious foods at home. If parents provide a variety of healthy foods at home and also eat them, children will follow them and are more likely to like to eat nutritious foods.
  • Get used to eating together with family. Before eating together, you can discuss what the family members want for dinner. Involving children to plan meals together makes children more able to receive the food provided.
  • Also get used to regulating meal times, namely three main meals and two intermittent meals. This is to help build good eating habits for children. Also aims to reduce the habit of children eating too many snacks when he is hungry.
  • Never make food a gift or punishment for a child. This is done so as not to create negative emotions towards certain foods in children. Making certain foods as gifts makes these foods become something special for children. And conversely, making certain foods as a punishment makes these foods avoided by children.
  • Introduce children with new foods one by one and in small amounts. If the child refuses, try again later, and continue offering children with new food. Over time the child wants to try it, then recognizes the taste, and becomes familiar with the food, so he will not refuse it again. Offering new food to children consistently can help reduce a child's tendency to refuse new food.


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How to educate children so they don't pick food
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