Healthy Mayo Diet Menu Guide


Medical Video: 10 Mayo Clinic Diet-approved items to put on your list

Ever heard of mayo diet? This diet later became famous as a diet that can be relied upon to lose weight. The first time, the mayo diet was developed by Mayo Clinic in the United States, so this diet is known as the diet mayo. Interested in trying this diet? Don't be careless! We recommend that you follow the following diet mayo guide.

What is the Mayo Diet?

The mayo diet is actually not just a diet, not just limiting your food intake. Mayo Clinic develop this diet also to change your lifestyle to be healthier. What is done on this diet is not limited to food, but also about physical activity. Indeed, the theory is that the energy coming out and entering must be balanced to get a healthy weight.

So, by doing a mayo diet, you are expected to adopt a balanced lifestyle. If you do this diet correctly, you can maintain your healthy lifestyle habits.

What are the rules for mayo diet?

The mayo diet known today is done by limiting salt and carbohydrate intake. But, actually that's not all that must be considered when doing a mayo diet. Diet mayo puts more emphasis on:

  • The number of calories that must enter your body depends on your calorie needs and the purpose of your diet. Ranging from 1200-1800 calories per day, no less than this! It depends on your gender and your initial weight.
  • Eat lots of vegetables and fruits so that you are full of minimal calories. Vegetables and fruit are the basis of this mayo diet.
  • Limit salt intake. A little salt intake can increase the water out in the body so you lose weight. You need to know that salt can bind water in the body. You should also avoid foods with hidden salt content, usually in processed foods.
  • Limit sugar intake
  • Increase protein intake. Protein can also make you feel full after eating so you don't overeat
  • Limit fat intake. As you know, too much fat causes weight gain. For that, the mayo diet menu usually contains steamed or boiled food.

Mayo diet for 5 days

Remember, mayo diets that are not only fixed on salt restrictions. The mayo diet actually promotes a balanced nutrition diet. To make it easier for you to apply the mayo diet, the following are examples of menus for running a mayo diet.

Mayo diet menu 1st day

  • Breakfast: Tea or coffee with sugar, don't add milk
  • Lunch: steamed chicken without skin with a little extra salt, boiled vegetables (like carrots, broccoli, corn), and mashed potatoes (mashed potato)
  • Dinner: lean meat, spinach, plus fruit

Diet menu Mayo 2nd day

  • Breakfast: Fruit juice with sugar, don't add milk
  • Lunch: pepes fish, bacem tofu-tempe, urap
  • Dinner: vegetable salad plus macaroni, use olive oil to make it healthier

3rd day diet mayo menu

  • Breakfast: Bread with eggs, may add a little butter
  • Lunch: grilled meat and vegetables, and corn
  • Dinner: fruit salad plus yogurt

4th day diet mayo menu

  • Breakfast: toast with jam, may add a little butter
  • Lunch: meat balls, potatoes, and vegetables
  • Dinner: boiled eggs plus cheese and carrots, a bowl of fruit

The 5th mayo gari diet menu

  • Breakfast: Fruit juice with sugar, don't add milk
  • Lunch: boiled chicken breast plus vegetables and fruit
  • Dinner: bread and eggs, plus vegetables

You can repeat the menu again or change the menu according to your creativity. The most important thing is to eat vegetables and fruits every day. Adjust to the diet mayo guide above.

Healthy Mayo Diet Menu Guide
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